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Researching Careers in the Health Sciences: Using Web Resources

Created for HNFE 1114 and ALS 2984

Evaluating Web Resources

As you decide which resources to include in your research, here are some things to think about:

Authority:  Who wrote it?  What sort of expertise do they have in this area?

Coverage:  Is it relevant to your topic?  

Objectivity:  Is there any bias?  If so, how much?

Accuracy:  Is the information correct?  Is it in alignment with other research findings or articles?  

Currency:  When was your resource produced?  Does this matter for your topic?  

Related Websites

As you're probably already aware, a good deal of information exists on the world wide web.  While not all of it is trustworthy, a lot of it can be.  Below are a few websites that can be very valuable resources when thinking about careers in the health sciences. 

If you're ever unsure about the quality of information that you've found on the web, use the criteria described in the box on the left in order to think through whether you can trust the information or not.


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Kiri DeBose
Vet Med Library
245 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061