Hokies@Home: Documenting COVID-19 at Virginia Tech: Home
Documenting COVID-19 at Virginia Tech
Share your experience
In an effort to document the extraordinary experiences of members of the Hokie Nation during the COVID-19 global pandemic, University Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives is inviting the Virginia Tech community to submit oral histories, audio recordings, written stories, diary and journal entries, photographs, videos, art, and other documentation for inclusion in our digital collections. We're particularly interested in documentation of experiences as they relate to Virginia Tech and how individual and community university experiences were affected by the pandemic.
If you are a member of the Virginia Tech community, this project is about you. We want to hear from university employees (faculty, staff, wage), students (prospective, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral), alumni, parents and family of Virginia Tech students, university contractors, and members of local communities (cities and towns) connected to Virginia Tech campuses. We also want to hear from all Virginia Tech locations including Blacksburg, Richmond, the Greater D.C. area, Hampton Roads, Roanoke, Abingdon, Reynolds Homestead, Agricultural Research and Extension Centers, the Steger Center for International Scholarship, VT India, VT Chile, study abroad sites, and any other locations with a connection to the university.
How to take part
You can choose your preferred method for documenting your experience. Some options include writing in a journal, recording voice memos, saving your social media posts, taking photos and/or videos, interviewing friends or family members, or creating multimedia works of digital storytelling. Please comply with stay-at-home orders while self-documenting.
Submission process
Please use this form to submit your items. You will be asked to agree to terms allowing Special Collections and University Archives to preserve your submission.
If you manage official communications for a Virginia Tech college, unit, department, faculty/staff organization, or student organization and you want these communications to be included in the collection, please contact us at specref@vt.edu to discuss transferring these materials.
How your submissions will be published
Submissions will not be available to the public immediately. After they are processed by Special Collections and University Archives staff, they will be available on Special Collections and University Archives Online.
Materials included in the Hokies@Home collection will be made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license will allow others to remix, adapt, and build upon items in the collection non-commercially. They are required to acknowledge the original creator and their resultant work must be non-commercial. For commercial uses, they would need to contact Special Collections and University Archives to obtain permission.
You will be asked to agree to donation terms
If you wish to donate to Hokies@Home but are unable to agree to all of the terms, please contact Special Collections and University Archives at specref@vt.edu and do not submit using the form.
Click here to view the donation terms +
You must be 18 years of age or older to submit material.
Non-exclusive distribution and preservation terms
The gift submitted via this form is given to the University Libraries of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (the “Library”) to become part of Special Collections and University Archives subject to the following terms.
By accepting these terms, you still retain copyright to your work and do not give up the right to submit the work to publishers or other repositories. If you are not the copyright owner, you represent that the copyright owner has given you permission to donate the work.
By accepting these terms, you grant to the Library the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate (as described below), and distribute the submission, including the descriptive information (metadata) and abstract, in any format or medium worldwide and royalty-free, including, but not limited to, publication over the Internet, except as provided for by an addendum to this agreement.
When provided, the Library will clearly identify your name(s) as the author(s) or copyright owner(s) of the submission as well as the name(s) of the copyright owner(s) if different from your name(s), include a statement of your copyright, and will not make any alteration, other than as allowed by these terms, to your submission.
You agree that the Library may translate the submission to any medium or format for the purposes of security, back-up, preservation, and access. You agree that the University may make multiple copies of the submission for the purposes of security, back-up, preservation, and access.
The Library reserves the right to make final decisions regarding inclusion of your donation in the publicly accessible online collection. Further, the Library reserves the right to appropriately dispose of materials that, after receipt, are deemed unsuitable for the collection.
Representation and warranty
I, the Donor, represent and warrant that
- I have the right to grant the rights detailed above.
- This submission does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe on anyone's copyright or other intellectual property rights.
- If the submission contains material for which I do not hold copyright and that exceeds fair use, I have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant the Library the rights required by this agreement and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission.
- The submission does not contain any confidential information, proprietary information of others or export controlled information.
- There are not any restrictions or required publication delays on the distribution of the submission by the Library.
- The information I provide about the submission is accurate.
- I understand that if copyright terms for, or ownership of, the submission change, it is my responsibility to notify the Library of these changes.
I agree to hold harmless Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and respective employees, agents, and students from and against any claims that I may have related to my participation in this program.
Acknowledgement of persons featured
I acknowledge that any and all people featured in the materials have granted me their permission to record or photograph them and submit the files to the Library for inclusion in its archives.
Personally identifiable health information disclaimer
I understand and agree that the submitted material may contain sensitive personal information about me, including personal health information, and that this information may be archived and shared as described above. I agree not to include the personal health information of others.
Submit materials
To submit materials for this project, please complete the submission form.
Thank you!
Special Collections and University Archives appreciates your contribution to this project. Including your materials helps ensure that we have a robust and diverse record of these extraordinary times.
Thank you to the Hokies@Home project team for their work making this project a reality.
Project leaders
Aaron Purcell
Anthony Wright de Hernandez
Project team
Alphabetical by last name
Annette Bailey
Ann Brown
Ben Brown
Ana Corral
Mary Finn
Nathan Hall
Bill Ingram
Alex Kinnaman
Kara Long
Gail McMillan
James Tuttle
Knic Umstead
Alphabetical by last name
Kira Dietz
Samantha Winn
About Special Collections and University Archives
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Connect with us
Email: specref@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-6308
Twitter: @VT_SCUA
Find us online

Special Collections and University Archives (0434)