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Pi(e) Day: (Un)Pie Day 2023

Interested in participating in Pi(e) Day? Wondering what it is? Curious how to find a recipe? We've got you covered (whether you're making a double crust pie or not)!


Welcome to (Un)Pie Day 2023!

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(Un)Pie Day Basics

Who: YOU!

What: Just what is (Un)Pie Day? This year, it's a chance to make something you consider a pie. It can be a classic, a not-so-classic, or anything you think is a pie. We encourage you to document your process (whether you make your pie the day of or in advance) and share on social media all day on Tuesday, 3/14. 

Where: Wherever you are and online!

When: Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Keeping Up with the News

If you'd like to keep up with the (Un)Pie Day news, you can let us know about your interest. We sent an email out recently and have included it below. We'll also be cross-posting information to the Food Collections listserv.

We'll be celebrating Pie Day on March 14th, 2023 with The Great Library Pie Bake-Off (#GLPBO). Together, library colleagues & culinary historians from across the world will bake historical recipes from their collections and share the results, successes, and spectacular failures (*I remain haunted by the mushy nightmare of my soggy potato-and-egg yolk-and-wine-pie circa 2021...*)

Along with this year's other planning collaborators (Juli McLoone, University of Michigan Special Collections; Kira Dietz, Virginia Tech Special Collections & University Archives; Emily Wahl, Folger Shakespeare Library), we're making our list of potential participants for 2023's virtual baking extravaganza.

This year, we're reaching out early to see who might be interested in not only a virtual bake-and-tweet, but a follow-up virtual roundtable (possibly with topical panels). More soon on the theme, but start thinking about how you might interpret (Un)Pie Day: recipes for tarts, trifles, burritos, hand pies, pasties, or anything that makes a claim about what pie is will be on the table.

If you're interested in being part of the fun, please fill out this Google Form to stay on the email list. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you know working with recipes or collections in libraries or archives who may want to be involved. The more (pie), the merrier!

Recommended Recipes from 2023

Sometimes finding a pie or (un)pie recipe at home or online can be a chore. If you want to participate with minimal sifting through the internet or your own recipe files, we've got some suggested recipes for you! (Items are in no particular order.) If you do want to search, but need some help, check out our list of digital recipe/cookbook collections below.