Professional Seminar Research Resources: Getting Started
Tips for Using Library Resources
This guide will walk you through the process of searching for, selecting, accessing, and using the research resources that you need for your work in your professional seminar and beyond!
This is not the main library website, but you can easily access that here:
A few tips to get you started:
1. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Simply contact your librarian, Lisa, directly.
2. All of our databases are available from off-campus. Just navigate to the databases, and when the system needs you to log in using 2-factor authentication, it will prompt you to do so.
3. Use Discovery Search to conduct a Google-like search of most of our library resources. While it's not a disciplinary database, like the ones that I recommend to you on this guide, it can help you gain a broad overview of a particular research topic or question.
4. When searching Discovery Search, Google Scholar, or any of the databases that I recommend, break your research question into keywords, rather than typing in the entire sentence or question. Click here for additional guidance on search strategies.
5. Use the Education Subject Guide to identify relevant databases.
6. When trying to access articles and other resources, look for the Get VText box: