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Digital Humanities: Evaluation

DH Evaluation

Evaluation is as necessary and important in DH as it is for traditional projects in the humanities or sciences. Formal evaluation, peer review, and result replication, and so on are applied to DH projects and initiatives as they are to humanities projects and initiatives. DH evaluation methods are unique because they tends to be transparent, discussion-based, and highly collaborative. Evaluation can occur as informally as group discussion, or formally following on the guidelines listed below.

Reading & Resources

Digital Humanities at Berkeley. (2017). Technical Evaluation for Digital Humanities Projects. 

Mattern, S.. (Fall 2012). Evaluating Multi-Modal Work, Revisited. Journal of Digital Humanities, Vol. 1, No. 4. 

Red de Humanidades Digitales. (December 2013). Best Practices Guidelines for the Development and Evaluation of Digital Humanities Projects (Red-HD). Version 1.1.

Presner, T. (2011). How to Evaluate Digital Scholarship.

Warwick, C., Terras, M., Galina, I., Huntington, P., and Pappa, N. (2007). Evaluating Digital Humanities Resources: The LAIRAH Project Checklist and the Internet Shakespeare Editions Project. University College of London.


Scholarly Societies

Modern Language Association. Guidelines for Evaluating Work in Digital Humanities and Digital Media 

American Historical Society. Guidelines for Professional Evaluation of Digital Scholarship by Historians 

College Art Association and the Society of Architectural Historians. (2016). Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Scholarship in Art and Architectural History[report]

NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship) is a scholarly organization devoted to forging links between the material archive of the nineteenth century and the digital research environment of the twenty-first.