We subscribe to tens of thousands of journals, magazine, and newspapers from publishers and through databases. Use the tools here to find journals.
Finding the right journal in which to publish your article can be a difficult process. Here are some criteria to consider and sources for this information:
- Subject area(s) covered by the journal (particularly when the research is cross-discipline)
- Types of articles published (original research, review, case study)
- Reputation of the journal (impact factor, size of readership/open access, peer review, quality of accepted articles and authors, indexing level)
- Audience of journal
- Time to publication
Useful databases for journal publishing opportunities
- Cabell's Journalytics AcademicCabell's provides information on the journal article publishing process: acceptance rates, style and formats, types of review processed, time required, and other criteria to find the best fit for your manuscript. Reports provided in HTML and PDF.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)A one stop shop for Open Access Journals (journals with a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access). Journals must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included. All subject areas are covered. Uses can search by journal title or browse titles. No searching of contents of journals is provided. Journals listed in the DOAJ will also be listed in our Journal Title Database.
- Elsevier's Journal FinderEnter your paper's title and abstract to find potential journals (from Elsevier only) in which to publish. The tool is designed to:
Help less experienced authors select suitable journals for their papers
Enable authors working across multidisciplinary fields to identify possible journals
Highlight journals that offer open access options, and provide information on publication speeds and impact factors - Jane: Journal/Author Name EstimatorEnter your title and/or abstract and Jane searches for similar articles within MEDLINE, scores their similarity, and recommends journals in which your paper could be published. The similarity scores of all the articles belonging to a certain journal or author are summed to calculate the confidence score for that journal or author. The results are ranked by confidence score.
- JCR: Journal Citation Reports from Web of ScienceJournal Citation Reports provides citation data for journals, and includes virtually all areas of science, technology, and social sciences. Journal Citation Reports can show you the most frequently cited journals in a field, highest impact journals in a field based on a calculated impact factor and Eigenfactor score, immediancy indexes, and largest journals in a field. 2000-2018.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals from EBSCOhostThe Directory of Periodicals contain extensive information about the journals and book series indexed in the MLA International Bibliography. The records consist of editorial addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, frequency of publication, descriptions of the periodicals' scopes, circulation figures, subscription prices and addresses, advertising information, submission guidelines, and information on whether or not journals are peer reviewed. The directory also provides statistics on how many articles and book reviews the periodicals publish each year, as well as how many are submitted.
- Open Journal MatcherThis tool compares the similarity of user-submitted abstracts with abstracts from the Directory of Open Access Journals, and provides a list of the 5 top matching journals.
- Ulrichsweb: Global Serials DirectoryUlrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more. Information about periodicals includes: whether a journal is peer reviewed, scholarly, trade, or popular; in which databases it is indexed; publication dates and title changes; journal and publisher policies for the self-archiving of articles by authors; and links to Journal Citation Reports for impact factors.
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 2:36 PM
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