Writing in the Medical Sciences: Citation Ethics, Styles & Software
VTCSOM students and faculty now can use iThenticate to check for plagiarism prior to submitting an article to a journal for publication.
Have you seen the Virginia Tech Graduate Honor System Constitution?
Think you know about plagiarism? Take this plagiarism quiz to test your knowledge.
Style Guides
There are thousands of different citation styles out there. Choosing one depends on where you are submitting your work. Make sure to carefully follow any citation guidelines and be aware that the chosen citation style may also impact other sections of your paper's format.
- NLM Style Guide - Citing Medicine, 2nd edition Commonly used in medicine. This free electronic style guide includes instructions on properly formatting many different types of publications.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) Rita's favorite writing resource. Contains many resources on writing and research including up-to-date formatting and citation guides. Their ALA and MLA guides are especially popular.
- VT University Libraries Citation Guide A collection of style guides, citation generators, and information about citation management programs.
Grammar and Style
The following resources are helpful for using proper grammar and spelling of medical terms.
- Stedman's Medical Dictionary Available in print at VTCSOM and in Reference at CRMH Library
- Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Although created for the general public, it is a free resource good for checking spelling..
- Whonamedit? - Dictionary of Medical Eponyms A great resource for medical eponyms - drugs or disease named after a person.
- Guide to Grammar and Writing The Capital Community College Foundation's in-depth guide on how to avoid common writing mistakes.
Citation Management Software
- Citing and Managing ReferencesVT University Libraries guide for citing sources, managing references and citation management software.
VTCSOM Writing in the Medical Science Guide - Credits MSU Libraries
Thank you, Iris Kovar-Gough and Abraham Wheeler, MSU Health Sciences Librarians, for granting us permission to adapt your guide!
MSU Libraries’ Health Sciences Group. “Writing in the Medical Sciences.” Michigan State University Libraries. Michigan State University. N.d. Web.