Library Statistics: Electronic Resources: Journal Usage
ER Usage Data
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Journal Downloads By Year and Monthy
Download and Search Data
Article Downloads and Database Searches
About The Data
- In the first graph, data come from JR1 Counter reports provided by publishers. JR1's provide include successful number of full text article requests(downloads) by month and journal title.
- JR1s don't differentiate downloads by publication date or publication archive. For those totals, please ask to see Counter Reports JR5 and JR1a.
- CTS retrieves approximately 135 JR1s every 6 months so that both annual and fiscal year totals can be provided to outside agencies and university stakeholders.
- We report JR1 totals to ARL, ASERL, ACRL, and IPEDS, where they are typically referred to as "total successful article requests."
- In the yearly graph, totals are for annual years rather than fiscal years. Annual year and fiscal year totals will differ.
- ARL and Anuual totals will be different. ARL collects totals for the period July 1 - June 30 rather than annual totals