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Open Access Policy at Virginia Tech: Waiver

Information to help Virginia Tech authors deposit scholarly articles to VTechWorks

How to Waive the License for an Article

You can waive the license to the article in Elements or by email, as described below.  Simply choose the method that works best for you.  See step-by-step instructions below:

Elements waiver

Email waiver

Waiving the license can only occur on an individual article basis.  The policy as a whole cannot be waived.

Waiving the license for an article means that permissions are controlled by the journal.  In some cases this means you can still deposit a version of the article, usually with an embargo or other restrictions.  For assistance with journal permissions, send a query to

Elements Waiver

To waive the license for your article, go to Elements and log in.  For waiving the license in Elements, it makes the most sense to do this after the article has been published.  To waive the policy before publication, please use the web form or email options below.

1. Go to "Scholarly & creative works". Look on the lower left of your homepage.

2. Find the item in your publications list.  Note that journal articles published from July 1, 2021 will be marked "In OA Policy."

 If the item isn't listed, check the "Pending" tab at the top of the page to claim the item.


3. In the article box, click the title to show article details, and scroll down to the "Waiver requests" box, and click "request a waiver."

4. On the Waiver request screen, add your departmental address (your name should be pre-populated) and a comment (optional).  "At publisher's request" is pre-populated, but if that is not the reason, you may supply a different one or leave the box blank. Then click "Request waiver."

5. You are returned to the item details screen. If you would like an acknowledgement of the request, click "Download" on the right side of the Waiver requests box.  Then in the pop-up box, click "Download PDF."

Email Waiver

To waive the policy for your article by email, send an email to, with the subject line "OA policy waiver."  In the email body, please include:

  • the article title
  • the journal name
  • the DOI, if available
  • whether the journal required you to waive the policy

You will receive an email confirmation of your waiver.