Astronomy: Recommended
Astronomy Subject Guide
Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena, often on a large scale. Some topics include the solar system, planets, moons, comets and asteroids, stars, telescopes and electromagnetic radiation. Students and researchers with an interest in planetary science, observational astronomy, and cosmology may find this page useful.
Overview for astronomy
- Knovel LibraryKnovel provides a large collection of ebooks on engineering and related subjects. Each chapter is presented as a separate PDF. The entire collection is full-text searchable, and many results include interactive tables. Includes tables of properties for over 13,000 chemical compounds. Knovel is also searchable through the Engineering Village interface.
Recommended online resources
- Inspec from Engineering VillageInspec indexes literature for physics, computer science, electronics, and information technology. It includes scholarly articles, books, conference articles and proceedings, reports, standards, and some patents.
- from Cornell UniversityArXiv is a highly-automated electronic, open archive and distribution server for research articles in engineering and the physical sciences. Full text available in a variety of formats, including PDF, HTML, and PS.
- ScopusScopus indexes citations of journal articles, conference papers, and books in the sciences, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. You can perform cited reference searches. You can compare authors, institutions, and journals using various metrics. 1800s-present
- Web of Science from Clarivate AnalyticsThe three Web of Science databases index citations from journal articles and conference proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. You can perform cited reference searches, analyze trends and patterns, and create visual representations of citation relationships. 1900-present
- National Space Science Data CenterNSSDC provides an archive for space science mission data including astrophysics, solar and planetary science data, and NASA images.
- Night Sky NetworkNight Sky Network, sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, provides information on astronomy clubs and events along with a daily night sky planner to aid in viewing.
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data SystemNASA Astrophysics Data System provides full-tesxt conference papers in PDF, PostScript, and scanned image formats.
- SIMBAD Astronomical DatabaseSIMBAD indexes bibliographic references and data on astronomical topics: stars, galaxies, planetary nebulae, clusters, and novae and supernovae. Each object indexes has description data, cross identifications, observational data, plus a general bibliography of references,
Director of Collections

Edward Lener
3011 Newman Library
560 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
560 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-9249
Subjects: Engineering and physical sciences