The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Engaging/Interactive Lecturing

This guide provides resources to support research into teaching and learning in higher education.

Suggested Search Terms

If you're looking for information on the topic of engaging or interactive lecturing, it's helpful to break up the topic into its two major concepts - idea (lecturing) and its descriptor (engaging or interactive). Common subject headings for lecture include lecture method in teaching and lectures & lecturing. To find both of those, as well as other variations, searching for lecture in the subject headings is a good first step. For the second component, engaging/interactive, interactive appears in subject heading as its own idea, but it also appears in titles and abstracts. Engaging does not tend to appear in subject headings but does appear in titles and abstracts. Including engaging OR interactive as a second concept, without specifying a place where the database should search for the terms, should bring back results that incorporate both of these concepts. Adding terms related to higher education (higher education OR college OR university OR undergraduate OR graduate OR postsecondary OR post-secondary) and selecting subject headings from the drop-down box will limit the results to higher education only. 

A full search would look like this: 

Screenshot of database search box

Additionally, a fourth term could be added related to a subject area or method of delivering instruction, such as online learning.

Suggested Databases

When you're searching for information related to teaching and learning, a simple trick can enable you to search multiple EBSCOhost databases at once, thereby maximizing your time spent searching. 

The simplest way to do this is to start at the database Education Research Complete. Just above the search box, click on "Choose Databases by Subject" (highlighted below). 

A screenshot of the databases search box

From the list, choose the box next to "Education" and then click "OK." 

Now, you'll search a collection of education-related databases at the same time, with any duplicates automatically filtered out of your search results. This approach is helpful since many education databases will have content related to the concept of interactive or engaging lecturing. 

Suggested Resources