The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Problem- and Project-Based Learning

This guide provides resources to support research into teaching and learning in higher education.

Suggested Search Terms

When it comes to searching for information about this topic, the term "project-based learning" is commonly used. However, the subject term used in many databases is "project method in teaching," so it's a good idea to include both of these terms in your search. Project-based learning is often abbreviated as PBL, so you can include this term as well. It's worth noting that some educators are substituting other p-words for project, so PBL may bring back some of these options as well. To incorporate all of these terms, use the word OR to join them: (project-based learning OR project method in teaching OR PBL). 

Since this method of teaching is common in K-12 as well as higher education, it's a good idea to limit your search to higher education contexts. A good set of terms for this level of education could look like this: (higher education OR college OR university OR post secondary OR postsecondary OR undergraduate OR graduate). 

Finally, you may want to add terms about your discipline. A search in Education Research Complete (link provided below) for project-based learning in college chemistry may look like this:

Box with search terms in it

In a single box, the search string would look like this: (project-based learning OR project method in teaching OR PBL) AND (higher education OR college OR university OR post secondary OR postsecondary OR undergraduate OR graduate) AND chemistry. 

Suggested Databases

While all of the education databases listed on the general resources page will have information on project-based learning, here are two in particular that may be helpful. 

Suggested Resource