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- Manage My Profile
Virginia Tech Experts: Manage My Profile
Manage your Virginia Tech Experts profile and make it visible to others. Currently profiles are only available for Virginia Tech faculty and graduate students. If you are in another role at Virginia Tech and are interested in having a Virginia Tech Experts profile, please contact us to discuss options at: experts@vt.edu.
Step 1: What Information Shows on Your Virginia Tech Experts Profile
Step 2: Review, Update, or Hide Information on Your Profile
Step 3: Make Your Profile Visible to Others
Step 4 - Ongoing: Review and Adjust Your Profile As Needed
Introductory Slides
For a visual overview with additional information about connecting to external profiles like ORCID, Scopus, or others, see these Introductory Slides: bit.ly/3AWoI9Y:
Step 1: What Information Shows on Your Virginia Tech Experts Profile
When you have made your Virginia Tech Experts profile visible to others by changing the privacy level on your Elements profile to Public, most items WILL SHOW on Virginia Tech Experts. (Any that are NOT 'hidden' in your Elements records or profile will show on Virginia Tech Experts.) There are a few exceptions:
Research (Grants) records from Elements are currently turned off for Virginia Tech Experts. We will be working with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to identify a method for profile users to show grants that are permitted to be shared publicly. These would then display on the 'Research' section of Virginia Tech Experts profiles.
For now, you can craft a 'Research Interests' statement (in your Elements Profile) to summarize your research areas, practices, and other information. This statement will display on the Research section of your Virginia Tech Experts profile.
Professional Activities record types that are turned off for Virginia Tech Experts: Promotion / Tenure Assessments. (This item is turned off to avoid accidentally sharing confidential information.)
Teaching Activities record types that are turned off for Virginia Tech Experts: Graduate student examinations, Graduate examinations, Undergraduate student supervisions, Student advising, House officer supervisions, Mentoring. (These items are turned off to avoid sharing student names and other student information without permission.)
Changes made in Elements are reflected within a few minutes in Virginia Tech Experts. If you are concerned that data in Virginia Tech Experts may pose an immediate risk, please hide the relevant data in your Elements profile (see Step 2 on this guide on how to review, update, or hide information for your Virginia Tech Experts profile).
If any questions about how to edit profile information, please reach out to experts@vt.edu
Step 2: Review, Update, or Hide Information on Your Virginia Tech Experts Profile
Review the information in your Elements Records and in your Elements Profile
Menu --> Profile --> View Profile
Scroll down through to review existing profile information and publications, teaching activities, and professional activities
To Update Information
Profile Information
Menu --> Profile --> Select Edit Profile
To change your Name see "How do I indicate a preferred name?" on the Elements "How Do I ...?" page
To change your Prefix (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) see "How do I change my prefix?" on the Elements "How Do I ...?" page
Use 'Manage photo' to update or add a recent photo of yourself
Review or consider adding a Contact method, such as an Email Address or Work Phone Number
Add or Update Profile information that you'd like to display like:
About Overview or Bio statement
Academic Appointments
Non-Academic Employment
Education degrees, certificates, or postgraduate training
Language competencies
Web addresses (including lab websites or professional profile links) and Social Media
Media (YouTube videos only at present) related to your teaching, research, creative works, or outreach
Consider adding Virginia Tech Experts-focused fields in your Elements profile, such as:
Research Interests' statement
'Teaching Summary'
Subject tags that you select from 'Fields of Research'
'Availability' categories indicating your availability to: mentor, collaborate, and more
Publications, Teaching Activities, Professional Activities
NOTE on Publications records: In Elements, the "Publications" section includes all forms of scholarship - presentations, journal articles, books, exhibitions, performances, patents, and more.
Click on the title of the item you wish to edit
Click on the 'Edit Record' button to make changes.
If the record is a Manual record that you added yourself, any edits you make and save will show right away in your Virginia Tech Experts profile.
[An additional option to edit information in records that have come in from outside sources is in-process and should be available in late 2021: Some items that have come in from Banner or other outside sources may not allow you to Edit. For these items, you can select 'Add Manual Record.' This will copy the information from the existing record into a new record that you can edit. Once it is updated the way you wish it to be, Save the new Manual Record, and this record will display.]
For detailed information on how to add or edit information in Elements records, see the Getting Started with Elements sections: Review Existing Data | Manage Publications Search | Upload Publications | Enter Activities
To Hide Information so that it does NOT display on Virginia Tech Experts -- Any item that is hidden in Elements should not show up on your Virginia Tech Experts profile once you hide it and refresh your profile page. If you see a hidden object from Elements on your profile, please contact us at: experts@vt.edu.
To "hide" information on your Elements Profile page
Change the privacy level for an item to 'internal' or 'private.'
To "hide" an object in Elements records (publications, teaching, etc.) follow these step
For a particular item, Select (click on) the globe image
to access 'Privacy Settings' for the item that you wish to hide.
Under 'Relationship Privacy,' Select 'Internal'
There are a few things to note about "hiding" objects in Elements:
The object should disappear from your Virginia Tech Experts profile within a few minutes after you adjust the privacy settings. Refresh your public Virginia Tech Experts profile page to verify it no longer shows.
The object will ONLY be hidden on the Virginia Tech Experts profile of the person who adjusts the Relationship Privacy Settings. It will still be visible on the profile of any collaborator who has claimed / accepted the object and has left it as 'public.'
The object will still appear on any reports that are generated through Elements because marking an item as 'Internal' only hides it from public views of your profile via Virginia Tech Experts and from other internal viewers of your Elements profile. However, administrators with Reporting permissions in Elements (department heads, deans, staff who pull administrative reports, university offices, etc.) will still see 'internal' (or 'private') item data in the reports they pull.
To make an item "visible" again on Virginia Tech Experts, in Elements, change the Relationship Privacy Setting for the item back to 'public' and it will display on your public profile.
Questions? Contact us for assistance at: experts@vt.edu
Step 3: Make Your Profile Visible to Others
Go to Menu --> Profile --> Edit Profile
On your Profile page Change the overall Profile Privacy Level to Public
To hide your entire profile, once you've already made it visible, change the overall profile privacy level on your Elements Profile page back to 'Internal.'