Biological systems engineering: Engineering Open Education Resources

Biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech is the study of the engineering knowledge and practices that can be applied to the protection of natural resources and the improvement of sustainable production, processing, and utilization of biological mat


OER by Discipline Guide (BCCampus)

Sample areas: 

Apparel, Housing & Resource Management
Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape
Biological Sciences
Classical Studies
Computer Science
Early Childhood Education Education (also)
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Geosciences (Geology)
Health & Medicine 
Human Nutrition, Food & Exercise
Information / Digital Literacy & Research Skills
International Studies
Natural Resources and Environment
Performing Arts
Plant & Environmental Sciences
Political Science
Public and International Affairs
Religion and Culture
Veterinary Medicine
Visual Arts



On this page you will find several openly licensed Engineering textbooks along with supplemental material, interactive simulations, and other resources.

Discipline-specific pages are not intended to be exhaustive, but to showcase content that may be of interest to faculty considering adopting open educational resources for use in their classes. 

For more information about Creative Commons including license descriptions, please see the Creative Commons tab.

Featured Resources

Open Textbooks in Engineering - curated by ASEE Engineering Libraries Division, Scholarly Communications Committee. This resource aggregates information from around twenty different open educational resource websites and organizes it by engineering discipline and, in some cases, by subdiscipline.

National Science Digital Library  - Use the advanced search to locate science, technology, engineering and mathematics educational materials in a variety of formats and levels.

Problem Sets for Aerospace Structures This collection of interactive problems and solutions includes over twenty-five collections of 3-5 problems each on topics relevant to undergraduate-level aerospace structures such as: load factors, strain, stress, stress transformation and principal stresses, material properties, composites, equations of equilibrium, Airy stress function, thermoelasticity, failure theories, elastic-plastic analysis, fracture, beam bending, principal of minimum total potential energy, finite element method for beams, plate bending, buckling, structural dynamics, and aeroelasticity. CC BY NC SA 4.0 

AMSER: Applied Math and Science Education Repository

PhET Interactive Simulations (Demo of Faraday's law. Click in the box labeled "field lines" to display field lines.)

Open Textbooks

Adaptive Map for Engineering Statics authored by Jacob Moore The Adaptive Map is an open textbook for engineering statics containing written explanations, video lectures, worked examples, and homework problems. CC BY NC 3.0

Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance authored by James F. Marchman III. This text is designed for a course in Aircraft Performance that is taught before the students have had any course in fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics, or aerodynamics. CC BY 4.0

Electromagnetics Vol 1 & 2 authored by Steven Ellingson. Designed for one and two semester courses for third-year electrical engineering students. Includes extra problems and solutions, and figures in PowerPoint. CC BY SA 4.0.

Engineering Statics: Open and Active authored by Daniel W. Baker and William Haynes. a free, open-source textbook appropriate for anyone who wishes to learn more about vectors, forces, moments, static equilibrium, and the properties of shapes. Specifically, it has been written to be the textbook for Engineering Mechanics: Statics, the first course in the Engineering Mechanics series offered in most university-level engineering programs. CC BY NC SA 4.0

Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering by Manuel Soler Arnedo. Covers an undergraduate, introductory course to aeronautical engineering and aims at combining theory and practice to provide a comprehensive, thorough introduction to the fascinating, yet complex discipline of aerospace engineering. CC BY SA 4.0.

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I, authored by Don Johnson, edited by Ross J. Reedstrom. The course focuses on the creation, manipulation, transmission, and reception of information by electronic means. Elementary signal theory; time- and frequency-domain analysis; Sampling Theorem. Digital information theory; digital transmission of analog signals; error-correcting codes. CC BY 1.0.

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering edited by Nicholas M. Holde, Mary Leigh Wolfe, Jactone A. Ogejo, and Enda J. Cummins. Biosystems engineering integrates engineering science and design with applied biological, environmental, and agricultural sciences. Biosystems Engineering is targeted at 1st and 2nd year university-level students with an interest in biosystems engineering but who are not yet familiar with the breadth and depth of the subject. It is written as a series of stand-alone chapters organized under six major topics: Food and Bioprocessing; Environment; Buildings and Infrastructure; Information and Communications Technology and Data; Machinery Systems; and Energy. CC BY 4.0

Introduction to Industrial Engineering authored by Bonnie Boardman. The chapters give an overview of the profession and an introduction to some of the tools used by industrial engineers in industry.  There are interactive content exercises included at the end of most chapters.  This interactive content aims to engage students in the content as they are reading.  The book will continue to revised and updated with new information as it becomes necessary. CC BY 4.0

Introduction to Linear, Time-Invariant, Dynamic Systems for Students of Engineering authored by Hallauer, William L. Jr. This is a complete college textbook, including a detailed Table of Contents, seventeen Chapters (each with a set of relevant homework problems), a list of References, two Appendices, and a detailed Index. CC BY NC 4.0

Materials Science and Engineering authored by Joshua Steimel. This text serves to provide a brief overview of some of the myriad of topics available for study in the field of Materials Science. This is by no means a comprehensive compilation of Materials Science and Engineering topics but is instead meant as an introduction to the topic for entry-level undergraduates who want to pursue a career studying materials. CC BY NC ND 4.0

Additional Sources of Open Textbooks

InTech Science, Technology and Medicine books (2,500+ books) [open access, but not openly licensed]

Course materials: Lecture Videos, Interactive Simulations etc.

MITOpenCourseWare logoMIT Open Courses in Engineering cover topics throughout MIT Engineering Departments: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Health Sciences and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering. These courses include many types of course materials such as: video/audio lectures, lecture notes, assessments, online textbooks, interactive simulations. To re-use these materials, see the Creative Commons CC BY NC SA 4.0 license and Terms of Use.

Stanford engineering everywhere logoStanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) programming includes one of Stanford’s most popular engineering sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science taken by the majority of Stanford undergraduates, and seven more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering. Course materials include materials such as: lectures, syllabi, handouts, assignments, exams, software. To re-use these materials, see the CC BY 3.0 license.

See also: Images and resources for CORE Materials / Materials Science