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- APA Citation Style
Neuroscience: APA Citation Style
The VT Neuroscience program focuses on advances in genetic, cellular, molecular, cognitive and systems Neuroscience.
APA style can be intimidating, and it's absolutely not necessary to memorize every detail. However, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with the basic conventions of APA style, even if you're using a citation manager.
Resources on APA Style
The APA tutorial below will walk you through major elements of APA style. Feel free to skip the section "In-Text Citations" to focus on citations and references.
- Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of Seventh Edition APA StyleThis tutorial, produced by APA, will introduce you to the basics of APA style, including how to create citations.
Resources on APA Style
- APA Style Basics, 7th EditionThis library-produced guide covers the basics of in-text citations and common reference list entries.
- Quick Reference Guide, APA StyleThis quick reference guide demonstrates how to cite journal articles, books, and chapters from edited books in the APA 7th edition reference list.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by
Call Number: BF76.7.P83 2020ISBN: 9781433832161Publication Date: 2019
- APA Style PlaybookThis 'playbook' will help you correctly and properly cite sources in your academic research using APA style.
- APA Style (from Excelsior College)The Excelsior Online Writing Lab provides basic principles and examples on in-text citations, references, formatting guide, and writing style on APA style.
Resources from APA
Resources from the American Psychological Association (APA)
- APA Style from APAThis website directly from APA provides a wealth of free resources on how to cite using APA style, such as in-text citations, references, examples, and sample papers.
- In-Text Citations (from APA Style)Provides information on basic principles, parenthetical versus narrative in-text citations, paraphrasing, quotations, and more.
- References (from APA Style)Provides information on the basic principles of reference list entries, works to include in the reference list, reference examples, database information in references, DOIs & URLs, and more.
Search the APA Style website and blog to find answers to specific questions
(e.g., try searching for TED talks or TED talks citations)
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