ETDs: Policies & Procedures

Current info for Graduate Students about electronic theses and dissertations.

Graduate School ETD Policies

Graduate School ETD policies can be found online in the Graduate Catalog

Graduate School ETD Dates and Deadlines

Graduate School dates and deadlines for ETD submission are available on the Graduate School website.

ETD Submission Checklist

  1. One PDF/A-2b file named according to the convention specified in the submission procedures above
  2. A separate file with a) Copyright letters of permission, fair use determination, and/or public domain statement, whatever is appropriate b) IRB approval memo(s) if appropriate
  3. Separate media files (audio and video)

ETD Submission Procedures

Gather all the files that comprise the ETD.

Naming the file(s): You MUST name your file(s) with these 3 elements:
            Document type: T or D for a Thesis or Dissertation
            Year of defense

        The generic file name format is <Last name>_<first (and) middle initials>_T or D_<yyyy of defense>
        Doe_JA_T_2008 is an example of a Masters student named Jane Anne Doe who defended her thesis in 2008.
        If you have more than one PDF file or additional multimedia files, number them sequentially (e.g., f1, f2, f3, etc.)

Go to the ETD submission website.
        Login with your Virginia Tech PID and password.
        The Graduate School will send an email with instructions if changes are needed.
        After your ETD is approved, you and your committee will receive email notification from the Graduate School.
        Your ETD will be accessible to the community you stipulated.

Go to the Submission tab for additional help regarding submitting your ETD. 
Please email questions about submissions to the Graduate School:

ETD Access Status Options

Choose from three access options when submitting your ETD:

  1. Immediate public access: All information and files for the ETD are immediately available to the public.

  2. Access restricted to Virginia Tech for one year: Metadata about the ETD (title, author, etc.) is immediately available to the public. However, the files are only available to VT-affiliated IP addresses for one year. Non-VT users may complete the request-a-copy form for the files, which is forwarded to the author to fulfill or deny. This option is intended for students who wish to restrict access prior to publication.

  3. Withhold all access for one year:  Most metadata about the ETD (title, author, etc.) is immediately available to the public, but files are embargoed for one year. Users may complete the request-a-copy form for the files, which is forwarded to the author to fulfill or deny.

Good Practices for ETDs and Accompanying Files