Discovery Search: Searching

A guide to using VT Libraries' Discovery Search.

Basic Search

To perform a basic search, enter your search terms in the main search box (highlighted below): 

 Discovery Search box with search box highlighted

Advanced Search

For more search options, click on "Advanced Search," just below the main search box: 

Discovery Search with Advanced Search option circled

You'll be taken to a page with three search boxes. You can enter your terms in this box and use the drop-down boxes to choose where Discovery Search will look for them. Note that the default selections in the drop-down field boxes are for any field, and you can adjust these as needed: 

Advanced Search with search fields highlighted

Using Filters

In addition to using the basic or advanced search options to find what you're looking for, you can also use limiters to tweak your results. 

Results page with limiters circled

You can either click on an individual limiter to choose to include those items, or you can use the check boxes to include or exclude multiple limiters: 

Close up of format limiter

Basic Searching

Additional Advanced Search Options

In addition to the terms you add to the boxes, there are other options available from the advanced search screen. To the right of the search boxes, you can select the type of item you're looking for, as well as the language and publication date: 

Advanced search menu with additional options highlighted

You can also choose to search only the library catalog (physical items only, excludes ebooks and articles), only articles, or course reserves:

Advanced Search with additional search options highlighted