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Library Resources You Should Know About
Accessing resources from off campus: Whether you are taking classes in Blacksburg or at an extended campus location, you'll probably need to access the library's electronic resources from off-campus. To do so, start at the library's homepage and navigate to the resource you need. At some point, you'll be asked to log in via VT's 2-factor authentication service. Once you've logged in, you should be able to access the resources just as if you were on campus. If you run into any trouble, contact the library's reference desk via one of the ways listed as part of the library's Ask a Librarian service.
Interlibrary loan: If Newman Library doesn't have an item that you need, we'll get it for you! This includes books, journal articles, theses/dissertations, and articles that the library owns only in print. To submit a request or check your account, visit our ILL login page. You can also request many items by checking for full text in a database and requesting the item if Virginia Tech does not have it. The first time you log in to the ILL system, you'll have to create an account; it's free and is necessary so that the system knows where to send your items. Check out the videos below for details on ILL.
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1-540-231-6308 Special Collections
1-540-231-9271 Art & Architecture Library
1-703-538-8340 Northern Virginia Center Library
1-540-231-6610 Veterinary Medicine Library