Neuroscience: Video Tutorials

The VT Neuroscience program focuses on advances in genetic, cellular, molecular, cognitive and systems Neuroscience.

PubMed - Research Topic Trends - Publications Per Year


The video below is still useful, but you can find more complete information as well as updated screenshots on PubMed through these Google Slides: 

Video Tutotial

This video shows how to search a topic in PubMed using a basic search. See more on search strategies on the Search Strategies page of this guide.

It also shows how to download the .csv file of a graph of publications per year from your search result page after limiting your results to a Custome Date range, and how to create a graph using that file in Excel.

**Caution: This video does not show including a total number of results on your graph or information print out - to answer the assignment question, include the total number of results to your submitted assignment information, and double check the instructions to be sure you have addressed all aspects of the assignment. In addition, this video was made in 2016, so it does not show the newest PubMed interface. 

Neuroscience Liaison Librarian

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Rachel Miles