Economics: Home
Economics at Virginia Tech is the study of how scarce resources are allocated among competing uses to satisfy human wants. Economic analysis is directed at a wide range of problems, including inflation and recession, environmental problems, taxation decis
Library Reserves & eReserves
- Reserves for ECON CoursesLibrary Reserves are available for 1-day check out at Newman Library Circulation Desk. (Some reserves may also be available electronically if your professor or TA has submitted them to the library.)
- Online Textbooks (Spring 2025)Library-owned eBooks adopted for class (all disciplines).
Economics Journals available thru the University Libraries
Recommended online resources
- EconLit with Full Text from EBSCOhostEconLit indexes citations, abstracts, and full text of journal articles, books, dissertations, and working papers on all aspects of economics. You can do cited reference searches and limit to scholarly sources. 1886-present.
- Sage Research Methods VideosThis resource provides streaming video tutorials, interviews, case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. . . and they include Economics!
- RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) IDEAS databaseIDEAS is the largest freely available bibliographic database dedicated to economics.
- OECD iLibraryOECD iLibrary indexes citations, abstracts, and full-text journal articles, reports, and ebooks in all areas of world economics. Full text available in HTML and PDF, plus statistics in Excel. Our subscription includes six journals, though many content areas are freely available to any site visitor, such as the OECD Factbook, Working Papers, OECD Key Tables, and more. We do not subscribe to the entire contents of this database. 1997-present.
- Social Science Research NetworkSocial Science Research Network indexes citation, abstracts, and some full text of pre-prints and other scholarly research papers.
- RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet (AEA)The American Economic Association's RFE site lists 2,000+ online resources of interest to academic and practicing economists and those interested in economics.
Early literature databases
- Core Historical Literature of AgricultureThe Core Historical Literature of Agriculture is a core electronic collection of scanned agricultural texts. Full-text materials cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science. 1620-1999.
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Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communications Librarian

Anita Walz
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Newman Library 4015
Economics & Law Liaison
~ Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian ~
Newman Library 4015
Economics & Law Liaison
~ Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian ~
Subjects: Business and economics
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- not owned by Virginia Tech (books, articles from journals and conference proceedings, book chapters, standards, and technical papers)
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We ship requests via UPS to users outside the immediate Blacksburg area (Montgomery, Giles and Pulaski counties).
Articles, book chapters, and many technical papers are delivered in PDF format to your ILLiad account. Occasionally, due to copyright restrictions, a paper copy of an article or standard is held for your at the Newman User Services Desk or sent o the mailing address listed on your account.