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VetLib-g listserv: Home

Vetlib-g listserv 

What is is? 

The vetlib-g listserv ( is a forum where librarians for veterinary sciences and animal health topics from all over the world can connect with each other, request help or advice (e.g. collections, instruction, or other topics of interest), post job openings/positions, or see if materials that traditional Interlibrary Loan resources have been unable to procure might be able to be supplied by those who are in this network.   

How do I join or change my email information? 

This is a closed list, meaning you will not find it listed on a Google Groups search.  If you are interested in any of the following:

  • joining the vetlib-g listserv (google group)
  • changing or updating your email information
  • being removed from this listserv/group

please contact:

Kiri DeBose ( from Virginia Tech