HNFE 2014 Research Resources: Getting to Know APA Style

What is APA Style?

Using APA Style and Formatting References

APA Style is one of the most used citation styles in academic research; however, it can be tricky to use.  Many times research databases can format your citation in APA style using the "Cite" button; however, here is a general format to follow to help you write your APA citations for peer-reviewed research articles. 

  • Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

Some quick APA style formatting tips: 

For periodicals like peer-reviewed journal articles:

  • Wright, W. L., & Zelman, K. M. (2018). Maximizing your "nutrition minute": Bridging nutritional gaps across the life span. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners30(3), 160–177.

For articles with two authors: 

  • Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2017). The next big five inventory (BFI-2): Developing and assessing a hierarchical model with 15 facets to enhance bandwidth, fidelity, and predictive power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology113(1), 117-143.

For article with three to 20 authors: 

  • Nguyen, T., Carnevale, J. J., Scholer, A. A., Miele, D. B., & Fujita, K. (2019). Metamotivational knowledge of the role of high-level and low-level construal in goal-relevant task performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117(5), 879-899.

Getting Help with APA Style!
