Resources for Educational Leadership Program (Richmond) : Finding Resources

This page will guide you through the basics of finding resources at VT Libraries. 

What Is Discovery Search?

Discovery Search includes records for most of the library’s resources: our physical collections, our journal and ebook subscriptions, streaming videos, reports, government publications, and much more. You can use limiters to narrow your search results by the format, date of publication, peer-reviewed, and availability online. 

Basic Searching

Education-Specific Databases

Discovery Search, described in the videos above, covers all disciplines represented in the library's collection. While Discovery Search does contain resources related to education, it doesn't feature every education-related resource available at VT. If you're looking for journal articles related to education, your best bet is the Education subject guide. You can also get to it from the library homepage. Scroll down to the Quicklinks below the main search box and select Research Guides: 

Screenshot of quicklinks menu on library homepage with Research Guides circled

You'll see 10 broad subject headings; select Social Sciences and Education, then Education: 

Screenshot of Research Guides menu with link to education guide circled

You'll see a wide range of databases to choose from. For most education research, one of the databases in "General Education Research Databases" is a good place to start. Choosing a database is in some ways trial and error, so don't be afraid to experiment with different databases. 

Screenshot of education research guide with general databases box circled


Check out the videos to the right for more details on developing keywords to search databases effectively. 

Developing Keywords

Basic Search Strategies