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Finding the full text of an article depends on what information you currently have.

Sometimes you want to search for an article within a particular journal, magazine or newspaper; perhaps because your instructor requires you use that journal or you remember seeing the article earlier and now want to find that full text. (Note that if these example are not the case, you should not limit yourself to a single journal; use a database to find articles on a topic from among many journals.)

If the journal is indexed in Discovery Search (and over 80% of our journals are), you can use the advanced search screen and enter the journal's title in the SO Journal Title/Source field along with other search terms in their appropriate fields.

If the journal is not indexed (or not for the date range you require) in Discovery Search, first you need to find what sources index that journal. Use UlrichsWeb - Ulrich's Periodical Directory and search on the journal title or ISSN. Switch to the Online Availability section and look for the Abstracting & Indexing Sources and Full Text Sources sections. Compare the databases listed there (along with the coverage dates) with our list of databases. Most databases allow for limiting searches to a single journal.