HNFE 3224 Research Resources: Citations

APA Style

American Psychological Association (APA) style is a widely accepted style of documentation, particularly in the social sciences. APA style specifies the names and order of headings, formatting, the organization of citations and references; the arrangement of tables, figures, footnotes, appendices; and more. APA style uses author-date parenthetical referencing in-text, with source citations keyed to a subsequent list of "References."

APA Tutorial: The Basics of APA Style

Screenshot of the APA Website with the description and link to the Basics of APA Style tutorial

Citation Managers

Citation managers are research project time-savers. They allow you to build your own database of citations and sources for your research projects. They provide tools to automate in-text citation and bibliography creation for research documents, such as research papers, grant proposals, and article manuscripts. They may also include options to share all or parts of your citation database with others - for collaborative research projects.

The Citation Managers library guide at VT Libraries is a great resource!

Virginia Tech Libraries recommends using any of these citation managers:

Each of these tools can be helpful, depending on what type of project you're working on. View this citation manager comparison chart from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for help deciding which tool to use:

Citation Manager Comparison Chart

If you have questions about using these tools, don't hesitate to contact your librarian or one of the citation manager support groups on the citation managers library guide!
