Patents and Trademarks: Home

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Upcoming Events

Events for Spring 2025 coming soon!

Events Schedule

Our PTRC has concluded events for Fall 2024! Check the events page (under "Visiting Our PTRC") for slides and any recordings of past events.
This guide will have updates as soon as our events are scheduled for the summer and/or fall, so check back or join the VT PTRC news listserv (search in Google Groups or reach out)!

PTRC Representative

Profile Photo
Sarah Over
Newman Library
Rm 3013
560 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Welcome to our Patent and Trademark Resource Center in the University Libraries at Virginia Tech!  We support all inventors and entrepreneurs in the region around Virginia Tech (New River Valley, Roanoke, and further) with our resources and programming to help you succeed!

On these pages, you'll find resources and examples to help get you started on patents and trademarks from finding existing intellectual property to connecting to local, regional, and state-wide resources.  Have questions or need more in depth help?  Reach out to our engineering librarian and PTRC representative for help!

Join our electronic distribution list for regular updates about upcoming events and news from USPTO: PTRC News (  Search in Google Groups or reach out to the PTRC Representative to be added.

NEW! Also check out our page on this guide covering a snapshot of patents through Virginia's History

Note: We are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice or conduct searches on your behalf.  We can connect you with resources and provide education on searching and more.  For more information see USPTO's overview on PTRCs or their short video playlist about what PTRCs offer.

Get Started!

USPTO Events

USPTO offers weekly events, including training and webinars covering all sorts of topics related to intellectual property, inventions and businesses.  Look for their new Spanish training series too!

Image credits: IP image from; Patent image is Rubic's Cube, US# 4,378,116; Trademark image is a dead mark as of 1982 for a company

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