Patents and Trademarks: Visiting Our PTRC

Our PTRC is headquartered in Newman Library on Virginia Tech's main campus in Blacksburg, Virginia!  General visitor information for our libraries can be found here:

Newman Library in spring with maroon and orange flowers out front

(image credit: University Libraries at Virginia Tech)

Resources in Newman Library

We have many resources within Newman that you can utilize as a community member or Virginia Tech affiliate!
Our main desk is on the 2nd floor, where you can get a borrowers/print card, check out materials and ask our staff questions. If entering Newman from the Drillfield/Alumni Mall side, the desk will be where you enter, or go up one level if entering from the Bookstore side (coffee shop).
More than just Books:
We do have many resources to help you create and share your work, including our Prototyping Studio to help support you as an inventor and entrepreneur. The Prototyping Studio is located on our 4th floor, near the connection with Torgerson Bridge, providing equipment and space to work. Check the link for the full list of equipment!
We have many public computers on floors 2 through 5, which are first come, first serve. You do not need a Virginia Tech affiliation to access the internet and our patent & trademark databases. Note that the computers do not have MS Office for non-Virginia Tech users, so make sure to have your own online login (MS, Google, etc.) if you need these tools. Just make sure to exit/log off when you are done!
PTRC users can also reserve space in one of our Media Production Suite rooms (Earth, Fire, Air): Computers are in each room, but like our public computers, some software is limited to Virginia Tech affiliates.

Getting Here & Parking

Driving Directions to Newman Library at Virginia Tech:
After exiting US 460 at Prices Fork, head towards the Inn at Virginia Tech and turn right on West Campus Drive. Then turn left on to Drillfield Drive, and once you reach the opposite side of the oval (just before the Pylons), you will arrive at Newman Library. Alternatively, you can continue further on Prices Fork and take a right at the round-about on to Main Street, and then turn right on to Alumni Mall. Newman Library will be on your left once you reach Drillfield Drive.
If coming via bus/transit: Most buses, including the Smart Way Bus have stops very near Newman Library, on Alumni Mall. Blacksburg Transit buses also stop on the Drillfield Drive side of our library.
Our campus uses ParkMobile, which allows for visitor parking in many faculty/staff/student parking. Download the app here: Parking is $8/day or less if parking for only an hour or two. Or you can purchase a visitor pass from Parking Services (online - create an account if needed or in-person).
Sometimes visitors can find open spots along Drillfield Drive or Alumni Mall, but it is generally easier to find spots in the Squires Lot (take Alumni Mall away from the Drillfield/oval, turn right on Main Street and take the next available right) or one of our parking garages, which are further away.
* Be aware of potential conflicts with football games in the fall or other major campus events that impact parking.  It is recommended you delay your visit if possible if wanting to visit on one of these days.


Need to take some of your research with you in paper format? We have a number of printers available in our Print Center on our 2nd floor!
Any of our printers throughout the library are compatible with MyPrintCenter if you have a mobile device, or you can ask the desk for help getting a print card to load cash directly. If using a print card, just make sure to print from the Print Center computers.
See more information on MyPrintCenter and current printing rates here:

Other Library Locations

Are you in Roanoke or visiting another one of our libraries?  Use the links below to learn about our other locations:
(If up in NOVA, also visit the other PTRCs in DC - Howard & U. Maryland, and USPTO's Northeastern Regional Office - Alexandria.)