PSYC 1094: Evaluating Information

This course guide highlights core resources for Principles of Psychology Research, and corresponds to activities during PSYC 1094 library sessions.

Looking for a guide to reading and understanding a scientific research study paper, with tips for evaluating such articles? Try this blog post on "How to Read and Understand a Scientific Paper: A Guide for Non-Scientists," by Jennifer Raff. Though it is targeted to 'non-scientists,' even scientists may find this series of steps useful. It may also come in handy if you're working with people outside of higher education who want to better understand university research publications for their use in education, policy, or industry.

Your Librarian

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Rachel Miles

Criteria for Evaluating Sources

Watch this short video produced by Western University in Canada on how to apply the CRAAP test to evaluate your sources that you may have found! 

Is my article peer-reviewed?

Searching to find out whether or not that article you found is peer-reviewed?  Use Ulrich's Periodical Database to look up the JOURNAL NAME.  If the black-and-white referee shirt appears, your journal is peer-reviewed!

Basic Evaluation Criteria

As you decide which resources to include in your research, here are some things to think about:

Authority:  Who wrote it?  What sort of expertise do they have in this area?

Coverage:  Is it relevant to your topic?  

Objectivity:  Is there any bias?  If so, how much?

Accuracy:  Is the information correct?  Is it in alignment with other research findings or articles?  

Currency:  When was your resource produced?  Does this matter for your topic?