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Open Education: Introduction to Open Textbooks (Workshop)

A "getting started" guide overviewing open, editable, and lower-cost textbooks and open teaching & learning resources for faculty, students, and librarians.

Workshop Information

Through a partnership with the Open Textbook Library and the VIVA Academic Library Consortium, the University Libraries at Virginia Tech are pleased to offer the opportunity for VT faculty to attend an Open Textbook Adoption Workshop and receive $200 for a written review of an open textbook. The workshops will next be offered March 6th and March 17thRegister here. PDN credit will be available. Contact Anita Walz with questions. 

The workshop covers:

  • Discussion of what you like / don’t like about current course materials

  • Course material impacts on students

  • What we mean (and don't mean) by "open"

  • Creative Commons licenses

  • VT's Guidlines on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Textbooks

  • An invitation to write a short review of an open textbook (and get $200)*

*The review stipend requires workshop attendance and completion of a written review of an open textbook from the Open Textbook Library within six weeks after the session. Funding is coordinated and provided by VIVA (the Virtual Library of Virginia).


Open textbooks may be selected from among the 1,600+ books in the Open Textbook Library. Virginia Tech faculty are welcome to contact Anita Walz for additional information.