Mechanical Engineering: Publishing & Data
From citation managers to generative AI, there are lots of tools that can help you in your research and get your research noticed. Plus be sure to use the writing center and career services on campus for more help!
The other tabs go in depth on certain topics, but here's an overview of some key tools/resources to help with anything from class projects to furthering your career:
EndNote / Mendeley / Zotero: organize your research with one of these citation managers (top time-saving tip!)
Overleaf (sign up with VT email): generate LaTeX documents online and share, great option for many document types, but especially equation-dense publications
Microsoft CoPilot: Virginia Tech's licensed GenAI tool, similar capabilities to ChatGPT
ORCiD: an ID for your research to show that you are you and get credit for your work (required by funders and some journals)
Google Scholar & VT Experts: create and curate your profile to be found by other researchers (learn about metrics here)
Looking for journals to publish in or rankings? Try the databases below to explore by subject area, title, ISSN and more!
- JCR: Journal Citation Reports from Web of ScienceJournal Citation Reports provides citation data for journals, and includes virtually all areas of science, technology, and social sciences. Journal Citation Reports can show you the most frequently cited journals in a field, highest impact journals in a field based on a calculated impact factor and Eigenfactor score, immediancy indexes, and largest journals in a field. 2000-2018.
- ScopusScopus indexes citations of journal articles, conference papers, and books in the sciences, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. You can perform cited reference searches. You can compare authors, institutions, and journals using various metrics. 1800s-present
LaTeX (pronounced Lay-tech or Lah-tech) is an excellent tool that can simplify your writing processes if you work with lots of equations or need more direct content management than MS Word. Here are some resources to get you started:
- (sign up with your VT email address) - most popular online distribution of LaTeX, code and write anywhere plus collaborate with others
- - main site for LaTeX releases, development and how to get LaTeX
- - Comprehensive TeX Archive network, find information about the 6,000+ packages available for LaTeX
- - community Q&A all about LaTeX, if you have a question, go here first!
- - has everything from basic tutorials through details about commonly used packages (also check out their useful handouts on keyboard shortcuts and quick guide)
Virginia Tech's Templates - Overleaf page with VT templates, including for theses and dissertations
If you are looking for more learning, be sure to catch a workshop (search for "latex") or watch a recording (materials in Github). If you need one-on-one support, schedule a consultation or contact Dr. Sarah Over.
There are so many AI tools available today, but many are not suitable for academic and/or research applications... In the Libraries we recommend assessing each tool when you use it for applicability to your research project!
This technology certainly has plenty of room to grow, so be sure to verify and validate your results when using it for technical applications (Why? See how ChatGPT can generate fake data).
Here are some AI options to get you started:
Microsoft Copilot (previously Bing Chat): designed for many tasks including generating media, understanding topics, creating task lists and more, free at Virginia Tech, approved only for low-risk data (see link for details on access)
Consensus: powered by ChatGPT, this AI-powered search engine specializes in extracting and condensing scientific insights from peer-reviewed sources, free and subscription options - VT email should provide subscription access
- works to give up to date information with sources from academic literature, news, websites and more, free and subscription options
Research Rabbit: specializes in analyzing citations and helping users explore related publications, free
SciSpace ( designed to support reading research articles with connections to other papers, can search or ask a question with articles included to support answers, free and subscription options
- designed to be a personal research assistant for specific research topics, will walk you through asking a research question and provide curated results, free and subscription options
Be sure to check out our AI Guide for more info on AI ( and the great information from TLOS (!
Other tools with machine learning and similar technology:
Covidence: free for Virginia Tech users, designed for literature reviews, especially those in evidence synthesis, learns from your screening of papers as you use it.
Looking to just analyze and/or visualize literature? Try Biblioshiny (designed for non-coders too) or VOSviewer, which allow for more customization and detailed analysis.
Starting a literature review? Or not sure how to get started? Try the handout below or follow these steps to start and finish your literature review:
Determine your topic and scope: what information are you seeking? What about time frame (last 10 years, last 50)?
Identify databases and other places to search:
Use the recommended databases on this guide or others that are relevant to your topic
Google Scholar is fine, but be strategic: works the best for specific topics you know well, not broad topics
Anywhere else to search for other types of publications (reports, patents, etc.)?
Develop your search strings (test and revise just like in engineering design):
Brainstorm key words for searching (can use AI to help for this step)
Write (type) out your search string using Booleans, quotes, indexed terms, etc (try our search strategy builder)
Save your results to a citation manager! Either export in bulk or use a browser connector to save individual publications, and then organize with tags, folders, notes, and PDF markups (your future self will thank you).
Revise as needed for 1-4 based on results and project needs (reach out to Dr. Sarah Over for help)
Document your results! Use your citation manager to cite as you write (or connect to Overleaf)
Present, publish and/or share your review!
What about Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews or other specialized review types? Reach out to us for help or to partner on a joint review! These projects are typically months long and require a team of 3 or more people when done in full (common for graduate students to do "rapid" version with just themselves).
So, You Have to Write a Literature Review by Is a literature review looming in your future? Are you procrastinating on writing a literature review at this very moment? If so, this is the book for you. Writing often causes trepidation and procrastination for engineering students--issues that compound while writing a literature review, a type of academic writing most engineers are never formally taught. Consider this workbook as a "couch-to-5k" program for engineering writers rather than runners: if you complete the activities in this book from beginning to end, you will have a literature review draft ready for revision and content editing by your research advisor. So, You Have to Write a Literature Review presents a dynamic and practical method in which engineering students--typically late-career undergraduates or graduate students--can learn to write literature reviews, and translate genre-based writing instruction into easy-to-follow, bite-sized activities and content. Written in a refreshingly conversational style while acknowledging that writing is quite difficult, Catherine Berdanier and Joshua Lenart leverage their unique disciplinary backgrounds with decades of experience teaching academic engineering writing in this user-friendly workbook.
ISBN: 9781119555056Publication Date: 2020-09-28
Working on a thesis or dissertation?
ETD Guide: covers electronic theses and dissertations at Virginia Tech, including LaTeX and Word templates (formatting tab)
Looking for example theses or dissertations?
VTechWorks ETDs: VT's repository, includes 1997-present and some scans of pre-1997 theses and dissertations
Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global: comprehensive database for worldwide theses and dissertations
More ETD Databases: many databases have coverage of theses and dissertations as well
And remember... A good thesis/dissertation is a done thesis/dissertation! Work towards completion, not perfection and when you need help, use the resources available like us in the libraries and the Writing Center.
No matter what type of research output you have produced, think about how to share it with your global research community! Besides conventional journal articles and conference proceedings there are many, many other options out there including:
VTechWorks: Virginia Tech's Open Access repository for publications of any type (including preprints - can also deposit in places like engrxiv)
Virginia Tech Data Repository: through Figshare, Virginia Tech provides this repository for any type of data (you will receive a DOI) - great for journals that require your data to be accessible
GitHub: share your code, websites and more through GitHub - just make sure to assign a license to your work
OSF (Open Science Framework): create projects, manage files and more to share with others - designed for researchers
Not sure about your research output? Have something unique that does not fit these types of repositories? Ask Dr. Sarah Over for help or reach out via any of the links above to folks who run those sites.
There are also tools to help with research impact and intelligence, which are great whether you are hunting for a job, looking for information on candidates, learning about a company's research strengths and more. Try the resources below or reach out to Dr. Sarah Over to learn more!
- Dimensions PlusDimensions Plus indexes more than 100 million publications, ranging from articles published in scholarly journals, books and book chapters, to preprints and conference proceedings. Dimensions Plus is an extensive and fully interlinked database with publications, grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets and policy documents. 1600s to present.
- Funding Institutional from ElsevierFunding Institutional allows researchers to search for grant opportunities and provides historical data about awards and related publications. This data can be used to select opportunities that are the best fit and tailor proposals based on past success. Additionally, users can track award trends, find potential collaborators, and improve their understanding of the competitive landscape. Searches can be narrowed down by location, special interest (limited submission, amount greater than $1M, deadline within three months, multidisciplinary, or foundation or private sponsor) and/or by subject area. It includes information on more than 11,000 funding bodies and more than 24,000 active opportunities. Use your email address to register for an account.
- SciValSciVal provides metrics based on publications by country, institution, department, or author. You can compare any of these groups, find collaborators based on similar publications, and identify trends in the metrics. Use your email address to register for an account.
Open Access Resources
Curious about Open Access (OA)? Looking for funding? Or open textbooks? These resources can help:
Open Access Overview Guide: what is OA plus VT's policies
Open Access Discounts: existing agreements that VT has for discounted OA publications (many 100% discount - free)
Engineering Open Educational Resources (OER): includes textbooks and other resources
Data Management Resources
Utilize the following resources to help manage your research data:
Research Data Management Guide: walkthough of planning through storage and sharing of your data
Library Data Workshops: search the events for upcoming data-related workshops