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- IACUC, Animal Welfare, Literature Reviews
- Search Strategy Builder
IACUC, Animal Welfare, Literature Reviews: Search Strategy Builder
Find information to help search for alternatives (aka the "3Rs") mandated by the Animal Welfare Act and required for IACUC protocols (Breeding, section 6; Research, section 7; Instruction, section 2g) for Virginia Tech. Use the tabs below to jump to any s
A few tips to use when searching
Use Boolean Operators in your search statements:
- AND (combine distinct concepts to narrow)
- canine AND restraint
- OR (expand by finding synonyms to each concept)
- pig OR piglet OR swine OR porcine
- NOT (exclude terms)
- pig NOT guinea
Use Quotation marks to search for phrases
- "social housing"
- "magnetic resonance imaging"
Use "wild cards" for truncation (check the "help" section of a database to find out what symbols/wild cards are supported for various functionalities).
- * usually expands the root of a word
- handl*
- handle, handler, handling, ...
- handl*
- ? or ! usually replaces 0 to 1 characters in a word
- wom?n
- woman, women
- colo!r
- color, colour
- wom?n
Use parentheses to indicate order of operations in your searches:
- Correct:
- (rabbit* OR lagamorph*) AND ("social housing" OR "group housing" OR "enriched cag*")
- Incorrect:
- rabbit* OR lagamorph* AND "social housing" OR "group housing" OR "enriched cag*"
Search Strategy Builder
Search Strategy Builder
The Search Strategy Builder is a tool designed to teach you how to create a search string using Boolean logic. Put synonyms in the columns for each specific concept, and when finished, "click to create a search statement." You can copy/paste the search statement into the standard database search boxes to run your search.
Search Strategy Builder created by University of Arizona Libraries and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-