Reference sheets
- index
- AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) reference sheet
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) reference sheet
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) reference sheet
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) reference sheet
- Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS
- NACA and NASA reference sheet
- SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) reference sheet
Creative commons
Reference sheet pages' text and linked PDFs by Virginia Tech Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The main publications of ASME are journal articles (contained in ASME journals), conference papers (contained in ASME conference proceedings), ASME books, and ASME standards. The University Libraries subscribe to online access to the ASME journals, conference proceedings, and books. We do not subscribe to a comprehensive set of ASME standards, but we do have a print copy of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Retrieving known documents
If you have citation information for a specific ASME document, use the following procedure to retrieve the full text.
- Check for online availability through the ASME Digital Collection. ASME is continually increasing the amount of material available online.
- If the material is not online, you may request the document from Interlibrary Loan. If we have the item in our collection, Interlibrary Loan will scan the item and send it to you as a PDF. If we do not have the document in our collection, Interlibrary Loan will seek it from another university and when found, will send it to you electronically.
- If you want to retrieve print format material from our collection, see the sections below, which give details about ASME technical papers, journal articles, standards, and books.
Searching the ASME literature for documents about a topic
It is generally not good to limit a subject search to only one publisher. Doing so excludes other publishers who have information on the topic. However, if you wish to limit your search to only ASME documents, there are three main ways to search.
- Documents can be searched directly at the ASME Digital Collection site. The indexing at the ASME site does not currently go back further than the 1960s.
- Compendex from Engineering Village covers the ASME publications, and began indexing in 1884. It is possible to limit searches to specific publishers or specific journals.
- Paper indexes also exist for the older papers, including the Seventy-seven year index: technical papers, 1880-1956. The call number is TJ1 A774.
Details about the ASME Technical Papers / Conference Papers
The ASME Technical Papers are published by numerous divisions of the ASME. All of these papers have been presented at conferences. Selected technical papers are published in various journals of the ASME.
Until 2002, Virginia Tech received the ASME Technical Papers from two subscriptions: the ASME Technical Papers package and the ASME conference proceedings. The Technical Papers package contained papers presented at conferences which did not have their own published conference proceedings. These divisions, such as GT (Gas Turbine), sent individual conference papers to us which we arranged alphabetically according to the sponsoring division, bound, and placed in the stacks under TJ7 A4 for each year of publication. The conference proceedings subscription contained papers from divisions such as ICE (Internal Combustion Engines), which published their proceedings each year, and which we placed in our collection under various call numbers.
In 2002, the ASME Technical Papers package ceased. From 2003 - 2005, VT received scattered ASME technical papers through our conference proceedings subscription. In 2005 we began receiving all ASME Technical Papers published each year as part of a comprehensive ASME Conference Proceedings plan. In 2013 we began receiving Technical Papers as part of an online ASME package, and ceased getting them in hardcopy.
In 2016, we purchased perpetual archival access to the Technical / Conference papers presented from 2002 – 2007. This purchase filled the gap in our holdings described above. Because our print holdings for some of these years were incomplete, the few print holdings we had were discarded.
To summarize
- Pre-2002 – technical / conference papers are only available in print format.
- 2002 – 2007 – technical / conference papers are only available online through the ASME Digital Collection.
- 2008 – 2012 – technical / conference papers are available in both print and online formats through the ASME Digital Collection.
- 2013 – present- technical / conference papers are only available online through the ASME Digital Collection.
Because of the various ways we've received the papers there is no single way that the papers can be retrieved from the collection.
For any papers published in 2002 or later, by far the easiest way to obtain the full text is through the online ASME Digital Collection. Search for the paper directly at the ASME site.
One way to search the library catalog is with a title search using the abbreviation of the division followed by the word "series" (e.g., AMD series). Some of the ASME abbreviations used in our catalog are:
- AERO, Aero, AD - Aerospace Engineering Division
- AES - Advanced Energy Systems Division
- AMD - Applied Mechanics Division
- BED - Bioengineering Division
- CRTD - Center for Research and Technology
- DE - Design Engineering Division
- GP - Diesel and Gas Engine Power
- DSC - Dynamic Systems and Control Division
- EEP - Electrical and Electronic Packaging Division
- EC - Environmental Control
- ACT - Fuels and Combustion Technologies Division
- FED - Fluids Engineering Division
- FPST - Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division
- ICE - Internal Combustion Engine Division
- IGTI - International Gas Turbine Institute
- ISPS - Information Storage & Processing Systems Division
- MD - Materials Division
- MED - Manufacturing Engineering Division
- MH - Materials Handling Engineering Division
- NCA - Noise Control and Acoustics Division
- NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation Engineering Division
- NE - Nuclear Engineering Division
- PID - Process Industries Division
- PVP - Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
- PWR, Pwr - Power Division
- SERA - Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division
- TS - Technology & Society Division
- TRIB - Tribology Division
However, not all proceedings are listed under a division abbreviation. For these it may also be necessary to search under keywords of the division, along with the keyword . For example, not all documents within the PVP series may have PVP in the catalog record. It may be necessary to do a keyword search such as pressure vessels ASME.
Finally, there are some papers which don't show up anywhere in catalog. For instance, the citations to these papers offer nothing retrievable in catalog:
Werner, Klaus. "Improved gas trubine performance perdiction using a map based fleet analysis." ASME 2001-GT-32.
Cole, Tanya A. "Fishing aid for wheelchair recreation." 98-WA/DE-14.
The clue in both citations is the paper number. GT stands for Gas Turbine, and WA/DE stands for Winter Annual / Design Engineering. Both of these papers are in the collection at TJ7 A4.
In general, to find a paper format ASME document, start with a title search using the division abbreviation. If that doesn't work, use a keyword search of the division name along with asme. If that doesn't work, there's a possibility that the papers before 2002 are contained in the bound proceedings at TJ7 A4.
Details about the ASME journals
Virginia Tech receives current issues of ASME journals only online. Online coverage starts with 1960. Publications prior to 1960 are only available in hardcopy, housed at the Remote Storage Building. The easiest way to obtain copies of pre-1960 articles is through Document Delivery, which will scan the article and send it to you. If you need to look at the print volume you can request it from storage. Be aware that the title of the ASME journals may sometimes be listed in various formats. E.g. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Tribology... or as Journal of Tribology, Transactions of the ASME.
Details about ASME standards
ASME standards are available as a request through Interlibrary Loan. Virginia Tech has the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in hardcopy in Permanent Reserve on the second floor. There are a few selected ASME standards in the MADCAD collection.
Details about ASME Books
The library has many of the ASME books in print format. We have also purchased the online ASME archive of selected books. These books can be accessed online through Discovery Search. Beginning with publication year 2016 all new ASME books have been purchased only in online format.
- Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 7:03 AM
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