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Reference sheets

NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) existed from 1917 - 1958, with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) existing from 1958 - present. Both have produced huge amounts of literature. Some of the earliest literature is still being used by researchers and students.

NACA Report literature

Indexed in Index of NACA Technical Publications, Z5063 U634 Sci, (1915- Sept. 1958)

The best place to find NACA full text reports is at the NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) . This site contains almost all of the NACA reports.

Within the Virginia Tech collection there are three possible locations for various reports.

  • NACA-RM (Research Memorandum), NACA-TM (Technical Memorandum), and NACA-WR (Wartime Reports) are found in the NACA microfiche collection.
  • NACA-R (Reports) are found in the NACA microfiche collection and also in Documents under Docs Y3 N21/5:9 (1915-1958)
  • NACA-TN (Technical Note) are found in the NACA microfiche as well as in Documents under Docs Y3 N21/5:6 280-4410 (scattered holdings)

NASA literature

The NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) contains a large number of NASA full text documents and should be the first place to start a search.

At Virginia Tech the NASA literature is found in a variety of formats and is classified under LC, SuDOC, and NASA numbering systems.

NASA-CP (Conference Publication)

After Mar. 9, 1988 check under TL521.3 C58

Before that date, check publication title in the catalog to find call number.

  • Catalog (especially for items published prior to 1988
  • Stacks under TL521.3 C58
  • LC Microfiche under TL521.3 C58 (scattered holdings from 3015-3194
  • NASA microfiche collection under N number (See NASA Technical Reports Server for N numbers
  • Docs Microfiche under NAS1.26

NASA-CR (Contractor Report)

  • Stacks under TL521.3 C6 A3 1-3994 (in Storage, scattered holdings); 3997-4786 (scattered holdings); 112227-187840 (scattered holdings); 97-206232 to 97-206901 (scattered holdings); 1998-20691
  • LC Microfiche under TL521.3 C6 A3 2723-4432 (scattered holdings); 165356+ (scattered holdings
  • NASA microfiche collection under N number (See NASA Technical Reports Server for N numbers)
  • Docs Microfiche under NAS1.26

NASA-EP (Education Product)

  • Library catalog to find call numbers


  • These are in Storage under TL521.3 M4 A3x 11-30-58A to 5-12-59A (scattered holdings


  • Library catalog to find call numbers
  • NASA microfiche collection under N number (See NASA Technical Reports Server for N numbers)


  • Stacks under TL521 A333 1-399 (storage, scattered holdings); 400+ (Newman, scattered holdings); 2116 (storage); 3001+ (Newman, scattered holdings
  • LC Microfiche under TL521 A333 290-502 (scattered holdings); 4012+ (scattered holdings
  • NASA microfiche collection under N number (See NASA Technical Reports Server for N numbers)

NASA-TM (Technical Memorandum)


  • Stacks under TL521.3 T4 A44 8-4806 (storage, scattered holdings); 51301-89951 (storage, scattered holdings); 84623- 1998-2+ (Newman, scattered holdings
  • LC Microfiche under TL521.3 T4 A44 4021-4782 (scattered holdings); 100643+ (scattered holdings)

NASA-TN (Technical Note)

  • Stacks under TL521 A3525 1-7189 (storage, scattered holdings)
  • LC Microfiche under TL521 A3525 8417-8528 (scattered holdings)

NASA-TP (Technical Paper)

  • Stacks under TL521.3 T4 A46 1001-2799 (storage, scattered holdings); 2800-3704 (Newman, scattered holdings); 97-206217+ (Newman, scattered holdings); 1998-206290+ (Newman, scattered holdings)
  • LC Microfiche under TL521.3 T4 A46 1001+ (scattered holdings)
  • NASA microfiche collection under N number (See NASA Technical Reports Server for N numbers)

NASA-TR (Technical Report)

  • Documents under NAS1.12 2-475 (scattered holdings)

NASA-TT (Technical Translations)

  • Documents under NAS1.13/2 F- 1-56
  • Online catalog to find call numbers