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Reference sheets

SAE technical papers

The Society of Automotive Engineers publishes several hundred technical papers annually. Each paper has an assigned accession number (paper number). Papers published previous to 1999 have a six digit number (e.g. 929403). Papers published 1999 or after have a ten digit number (e.g. 1999-01-3518). The first two digits of the early papers, and the first four digits of the later papers indicate the year of publication.

Selected technical papers are published as part of standalone SAE publications such as books (e.g. Aircraft Thermal Management Systems Architectures) or journals (e.g. SAE International Journal of Engines). In the past, technical papers were sometimes published as part of the Special Publication (SP) series or the Proceedings of the SAE series.

SAE standards

SAE publishes three groups of industry standards:

  • SAE Ground Vehicle Standards, sometimes known as "J" standards
  • SAE Aerospace Standards
  • SAE Aerospace Material Specifications

J Standards are available through SAE Mobilus.