Scholarly Profiles and Identifiers
Learn how to set up, maintain, and link together key researcher profiles and identifiers, such as ORCID iD and Scopus Author Profile.
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- Google Scholar Profile
- Scopus Author Profile
- Publons / ResearcherID
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- ResearchGate &
- Professional & Personal Websites
- Kudos (SciComm Tool)
- Sage Policy Profiles
- Individual Impact & Engagement This link opens in a new window
- Research Impact Metrics This link opens in a new window
- Research Impact & Intelligence Department This link opens in a new window
LinkedIn for Professional & Academic Networking
Get the Most out of LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the most used online portfolio platform, and it is primarily used by employers and recruiters to find and recruit candidates for their company or organization. LinkedIn is also used for professional networking and can also be used to help you control your online identity and professional image.
Curate your profile with relevant links to your work
- List your works in the Publications section
- List the most important works, such as journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.
- Tip: Link to the Open Access versions of works (so more people can access and read them) via the institutional repository, VTechWorks or a disciplinary repository
- Alternatively link to your Google Scholar Profile or ORCID iD:
- List the most important works, such as journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.
In the “Accomplishments” section, be sure to:
- Write your headline and resume summary
- Tip 1: the first 300 characters / 50-60 words visible to most, especially when searching for you on Google or LinkedIn
- Tip 2: Search for job postings in your field and use keywords and jargon found in those descriptions to increase your discoverability as a professional and academic
- Choose an industry for searchability
- Edit contact info - include professional or student email
- List relevant licenses and certifications
- List courses taken or currently taking
- List volunteer and service work
Keep your summary, headline, and profile image consistent across your other platforms and profiles that you use in a professional or academic capacity, which could include Twitter, Google Scholar Profile, ResearchGate, and your own website.
- Last Updated: Jan 9, 2025 1:51 PM
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