Resources by format
Here are listed guides for finding materials based on their formats.
- index
- Articles
- Audio books
- Biographies
- Book reviews
- Business, company, and industry information
- Center for Research Libraries collections
- Citation and style manuals
- Databases
- Demographic visualizations
- Ebooks
- Engineering standards
- Foreign language learning materials
- Journals
- Manuscripts
- Maps
- Movie reviews and criticisms
- Movies
- Patents and trademarks
- Popular Reading
- Primary source databases
- Reserves
- Speeches and transcripts
- Streaming videos
- Test and measures
- Textbooks
- Theses and dissertations
- Tutorial and educational resources
Audio books in Newman Library
The University Libraries has a small collection of audio books; most are available on cassette tapes. Our collection management policies and guidelines specifically mention that we do not collect audio books.
Audio books from the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library
The Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library system collects audio books including books on CD. They also offer audio books for downloading as MP3 and WMA files. Residents of Montgomery and Floyd counties (including on campus students) are eligible to receive a library card.
Free audio books online
Free audiobooks are available from a number of online sites. These typically include books that are now in the public domain (those published before 1923).
- Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 7:03 AM
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