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The University Libraries has a number of foreign language learning materials, including books, CDs, and software. In addition, our collections include international literature titles in the original language and translated into English. We also offer titles on American Sign Language.
The library does not offer a translation service, but we may be able to suggest resources to aid in translations. The ACRL's Translation resources on the Web: A guide to accurate, free sites PDF is a useful example.
Online software
- Rosetta StoneRosetta Stone is back! Users may now access Rosetta Stone through a course shell in Canvas with the following URL
Rosetta Stone is a language-learning platform offering instruction in 25 languages through an immersive approach. It features interactive lessons, TruAccent® speech recognition to refine pronunciation, and tools for naturally building vocabulary and grammar skills. The platform includes flexible learning options, and is designed to support learners at various levels.
For assistance, please contact Edward Lener,, and Craig Whetten,
Pimsleur CDs
The library has purchased a number of Pimsleur language programs on audio CDs. The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language — vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar— are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Offered languages include Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, plus English for speakers of Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish.
Use Discovery Search
To find foreign language instruction material in Discovery Search, use the advanced search page to perform a subject search on the name of your language followed by language, i.e. French language. This search will return books, instructional CDs, software, and additional formats. You can combine this subject search with additional sub-headings for more refined results (not every sub-heading will be used for every language):
- composition and exercises
- conversation and phrase books
- dictionaries - English
- glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
- grammar
- pronunciation
- self-instruction
- spoken [language] i.e. spoken French
- study and teaching
- terms and phrases
- textbooks for foreign speakers
- vocabulary
American Sign Language
Search Discovery Search by subject for American Sign Language for a list of books about sign language and instructional guides.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (ToEFL)
The library has a few books and other materials on the Test of English as a Foreign Language. See also the Language and Culture Institute.
Foreign language novels
The library has many novels and other works of fiction in languages other than English. You can search Discoverty Search by title (including translated titles), authors, or keywords and use the Language facet to limit your results. Note that works translated into English often have the code for the original language included in the record, so note what language the primary title is listed as to determine the actual published language.
We also have ebooks of novels in foreign languages. (Most are historical works.)
- ARTFL-FRANTEXTARTFL-FRANTEXT provides HTML full-text works ranging from classic French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries are about equally represented, with a smaller selection of seventeenth century texts as well as some medieval and Renaissance texts.ARTFL-FRANTEXT consists of nearly 3,000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries are about equally represented, with a smaller selection of seventeenth century texts as well as some medieval and Renaissance texts.
Genres include novels, verse, theater, journalism, essays, correspondence, and treatises. Subjects include literary criticism, biology, history, economics, and philosophy. In most cases standard scholarly editions were used in converting the text into machine-readable form, and the data contain page references to these edition - Digitalia HispanicaDigitalia Hispanica provides fiction and nonfiction ebooks in Spanish. They can be downloaded in PDF and ePUB for 20 days.
Foreign language films
Foreign language films are a great way to hear a language in use, and English captions can help in understanding what you are hearing. Most of our foreign language DVDs will include English subtitles. Most of these DVDs can be recognized because the main title that displays in search results will be in the foreign language. We also have access to thousands of foreign-language movies on streaming platforms.
- Digitalia Film LibraryDigitalia Film Library provides a multi-lingual, multi-national collection of films and documentaries from Europe, North America and Latin American, including Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil (Portuguese), Cuba, Costa Rica, and others. Films available in their original language, e.g. Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc., include subtitles with some exceptions.
- Kanopy Streaming VideosNOTE: As of Spring 2021 Kanopy made changes to links and access, so proxied links to streaming videos on the platform will no longer work. Please update any links to Kanopy videos in Canvas, syllabi, etc, with the new URLs.
The new base URL is with specific videos using the following format:
Kanopy provides hundreds of streaming videos in a wide variety of subjects. For videos outside our collection, you'll be presented a form to request they be added. - Met Opera On DemandMet Opera on Demand provides streaming video of over 500 Met performances, each with subtitles in English and other languages. You can search by opera, singer, composer, or conductor. Scroll down for the list of available performances.
- Swank Digital CampusSwank offers over 1000 streaming videos: popular movies, documentaries, and foreign films.
- World Cinema Video Collection from Films on DemandFilms on Demand offers almost 400 streaming videos of movies from around the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
- Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 7:03 AM
- URL:
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