Resources by format
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These database provide visualization of socioeconomic and demographic data sets, often with the ability to download the data.
- ICPSR: InterUniversity Consortium for Political and Social ResearchThe Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is a membership-based organization providing access to the world's largest archive of computer-based research and instructional data for the social sciences. The archive of data sets includes a broad range of disciplines, including political science, sociology, demography, economics, history, education, gerontology, criminal justice, public health, foreign policy, and law.
- PolicyMapPolicyMap provides data through interactive maps about communities and markets across the U.S., for research, market studies, business planning, site selection, grant applications, and impact analysis.Videos and tutorials about using PolicyMap are available on the Support Page. For information on PolicyMap datasets, visit Data Indicators.
- Roper Center Public Opinion Archives (with iPOLL)The Roper Center indexes questions and response data from public opinion polls and academic surveys. Polls are available in HTML and PDF; data sets can be downloaded as text or SPSS files. Many results can be viewed as interactive cross tabulations. You must create a profile and sign in to download data sets. 1930s-present.
- SimplyAnalyticsSimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping and data analysis application designed for non-technical as well as advanced users to create interactive thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data. There are thousands of data variables related to demographics, employment, housing, market segments, businesses, consumer spending, brand preferences, and public health.
VT users are not required to log-in with a user name and password--simply click "Sign in as a guest". However, your work will not be saved unless you create an account. - Social ExplorerSocial Explorer provides visualizations of social science data sets, including the US census and the American Community Survey.
- Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 7:03 AM
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