Resources by format
Here are listed guides for finding materials based on their formats.
- index
- Articles
- Audio books
- Biographies
- Book reviews
- Business, company, and industry information
- Center for Research Libraries collections
- Citation and style manuals
- Databases
- Demographic visualizations
- Ebooks
- Engineering standards
- Foreign language learning materials
- Journals
- Manuscripts
- Maps
- Movie reviews and criticisms
- Movies
- Patents and trademarks
- Popular Reading
- Primary source databases
- Reserves
- Speeches and transcripts
- Streaming videos
- Test and measures
- Textbooks
- Theses and dissertations
- Tutorial and educational resources
Business, company, and industry information, including scholarly articles, financials, and reports can be found in a number of online databases and print reference sources.
More detailed lists of sources can be found on relevant subject guides.
- Bloomberg Law: TaxSearch or browse the Federal/Foreign Tax Library, with sections on expert analysis (portfolios), news and developments, journals and special reports, primary sources, laws and regulations, and practice tools. Replaces print versions of Tax Management Portfolios and Tax Management Primary Sources.
For off-campus access, create an account using your email while on campus or using the VPN. - Checkpoint EdgeCheckpoint Edge indexes full-text, primary sources for federal, state, local and international tax as well as estate planning, payroll, pensions and benefits, accounting, auditing, and corporate finance research. Legislation, regulations, tax codes, IRS codes and decisions, and tax courts are covered in detail. 1860-present.
Business articles (scholarly, trade, popular)
- Business Source Complete from EBSCOhostBusiness Source Complete is a citation, abstracts, and full-text database that indexes journals; books; financial data; reference works; conference proceedings; company, industry, investment, marketing, and country reports; SWOT analyses; and case studies. Full text is provides as HTML and PDF. You can limit to peer-reviewed sources. 1886-present; most content is 1980s-present.
- Business: Insights from GaleBusiness Insights: Global provides international business intelligence, including case studies, in-depth statistical data coupled with deep research, and the ability to compare global economies, countries, and industries.
- EconLit with Full Text from EBSCOhostEconLit indexes citations, abstracts, and full text of journal articles, books, dissertations, and working papers on all aspects of economics. You can do cited reference searches and limit to scholarly sources. 1886-present.
- FactivaFactiva provides full-text news articles and business/industry information from newswires, newspapers, business and industry magazines, television and radio transcripts, financial reports, and photos from news services. Most content is HTML, though other formats are available for export. News sources 1979-present; financial data 1960s-present.Factiva provides full-text news articles and business information. From the Search tab, use the Free Text search box to explore an archive of over 50 years of news and other sources.
From the News Pages tab, you can browse current issues of major newspapers and business magazines from around the world.
From the Companies/Markets tab, you can research competitors, suppliers, customers, and partners through market data, interactive charts, financial statements, and more for individual companies or industries. Data includes current and historical pricing on a variety of financial instruments like stocks, funds, currencies, and market indexes.
Data and market analysis
American marketplace : demographics and spending patterns
Call Number: HA203 .A635ISBN: 9781940308340Publication Date: 2014This comprehensive book is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs demographic and spending data, but doesn't have the time or skills to search for the numbers, which are often available only in unpublished reports or on one of the government's many web sites. It provides the latest data in rich detail, organized for quick use and complemented by insightful analysis and revealing statistical calculations.Best customers: Demographics of consumer demand by New Strategist Publications (Editor)
ISBN: 9781935114314Publication Date: 2017In Best Customers, you can see at a glance who spends the most and who controls the largest market share--often surprisingly different--on over 300 products and services that are organized into 21 chapters that focus on entertainment, groceries, transportation, etc.--everything a consumer might buy. Based on unpublished data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' valuable Consumer Expenditure Survey, Best Customers brings you insights into household spending by householder age, income, type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and educational attainment. Each item's data table is accompanied by text that identifies the best customers, analyzes spending patterns, describes spending trends for the product over the past few years, and predicts future trends based on changing demographics.
- IBISWorldIBISWorld provides 3 types of business reports: Industry Market Research: Reports (PDF) on over 700 US industries arranged by 5-digit NAICS code, typically 25-50 pages in length with executive summaries, updated regularly; Business Environment: Data and analysis (PDF and Word) on 200+ economic and demographic statistics, around 300 key business environment indicators; and Specialized Industry Reports of over 600 titles also arranged by NAICS code that contain the same chapters and format as the Core US Industry Reports, but encompass niche and emerging industries with a focus on technology, healthcare, consumer goods, and other fast-growing sectors.IBISWorld provides a comprehensive collection of industry market research reports. Industry Research Reports are powerful business tools that provide strategic insight and analysis on over 700 U.S. industries. Each industry report is written at the 5-digit NAICS level - an unparalleled degree of detail. The reports are updated frequently, which gives you the confidence to make accurate and speedy business decisions.
Each report includes 9 chapters, and 34 sub-chapters that provide insight into current and forecast industry performance, changing trends, operating conditions and supply chain linkages.
Every industry faces a set of variables outside its control that have a material effect on industry performance. These factors, which include exchange rates, commodity prices, consumer attitudes, weather conditions, government policies among others are covered by our extensive range of business environment reports. Understanding these factors makes it easier to predict trends for your business and competitors.
So, what are the key factors outside the control of your organisation that determine the performance of your industry? Find out in our brief summaries within our industry research reports, or use our business environment reports as a supplement to acquire a deeper understanding of these trends. Our two-to-three-page business environment reports provide insights into all the demographic, environmental and business trends that you can’t afford to ignore.
- Lifestyle market analystCall Number: HF5415.33.U6 L54Publication Date: 2008Published in conjunction with NDL (National Demographics & Lifestyles). Provides extensive lifestyle data on interests, activities, and hobbies within specific geographic and demographic markets.
Market share reporter : an annual compilation of reported market share data on companies, products, and service
Call Number: HF5410 .M374Publication Date: 1991-Presenting comparative business statistics in a clear, straightforward manner, Market Share Reporter affords an immediate overview of companies, products and services and cites original sources. A convenient arrangement by four-digit SIC code helps business decisionmakers and researchers easily access needed data for more than 2,000 entries. Each entry features a descriptive title; data and market description; a list of producers/ products along with their market share; and more.
- Mergent HorizonMergent Horizon provides reports about companies and industries. Comprehensive coverage is provided for all companies that are actively traded on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ--over 6,200 in total, with enhanced product-level detail for 3,700 companies in the healthcare, technology, media, and finance sectors.
- Mintel Oxygen AcademicMintel offers over 900 market research reports focused on the broad categories of: Beauty and Personal, Drink, Electronics, European Retail Intelligence, Food and Foodservice, Health and Medical, Health and Wellness, Household, Lifestyles, Retailing and Travel. The reports can be searched for product, brand name or keyword. You can incorporate trends and forecasts, including a five-year forecast, brand share, category trends, and consumer attitudes and behaviors.Recently added is the Global Consumer bi-annual survey of 35,000 people across 36 markets with coverage in the beauty, food and drink and general consumer trends areas.
- Standard and Poors Industry SurveysS&P Industry Surveys provides full-text reports in HTML and PDF on North American and global industries.To find the content you're looking for, use the Publication Search tool located in the right-hand corner of the page or the keyword search tool located in the blue title bar. You can also access Industry Surveys directly using the drop-down menus immediately below the Publication Search tool.
NetAdvantage also provides an excellent Learning Center that offers tutorials on a wide variety of finance investment basics such as Credit Scores, How to Analyze Stocks, Qualifying for a Mortgage, or Rolling Over My IRA. - Value Line Research CenterValue Line provides full-text reports in HTML and PDF on investments, businesses, and industries. Major reports available include the Investment Survey, Mutual Fund Survey, Fund Advisor, Convertibles Survey, and ETF Survey. Most sections offer the latest few months of reports. It also provides delayed stock quotes, company news, market updates, portfolio tracking with alerts, and educational articles.We have access to several reports/publications on this site:
The Value Line Research Center includes on-line access to Value Line's leading publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks.
The Value Line Investment Survey online is one of the most highly regarded and widely used independent investment newsletters. Published weekly, it tracks approximately 1,700 stocks in over 90 industries. Its legendary Timeliness Ranking System ranks stocks on a scale of 1 to 5 for probable market performance over the next 6 to 12 months.
The Value Line Mutual Fund Survey® for Windows® (Software & Weekly Updates) is a data/software service which includes extensive capabilities for viewing, sorting, screening, graphing, and preparing reports on mutual funds in the Value Line universe. It presents full data on approximately 13,000 funds, with monthly updates. Users also can access weekly performance updates online.
The Value Line Fund Advisor is the essential, one of a kind, mutual fund investment guide that no investor wants to be without. Don't be overwhelmed trying to choose from thousands of funds. We'll help you determine your risk tolerance and time horizon, and use this information to recommend a model portfolio of funds that is right for you.
The Value Line Daily Options Survey delivers interactive daily analysis and rankings of more than 200,000 Stock and Stock Index Options - now with Bid and Ask Prices and Evaluations. Also included is access to Value Line's powerful Online Options Screener.
The Value Line Special Situations Service is designed for investors seeking investment ideas in small cap stocks that span the range from aggressive to income oriented. Value Line's team of special situation analysts maintains a constant search for the very best small cap companies," sifting through hundreds of annual and interim reports, prospectuses, SEC filings, and press releases in their quest. Published monthly, each issue features two new recommendations; an agressive stock from a high-growth industry, and a conservative stock from a more stable industry that may pay dividends.
The Value Line Convertibles Survey provides a unique, systematic approach to assessing the performance of convertibles, ranking over 600 issues for potential risk and return, showing you which convertibles make the best buys, and which ones should probably be sold.
Value Line Select provides subscribers a 15- to 20-page detailed report recommending a specific stock, on a monthly basis. The portfolio manager and the Select committee, composed of senior research personnel, meet regularly to discuss and identify high-quality companies whose stocks have superior total return potential. Once a stock is recommended, subscribers are kept abreast of developments through Supplementary reports that include updated Buy, Hold, or Sell recommendations.
Value Line ETF Professional Solution is a comprehensive online resource offering data, tools, analysis, and education on all ETFs listed in the United States and Japan. Provided in the ETF Survey is Value Line’s proprietary Ranking System which quantitatively evaluates and ranks each ETF based on actual and known data. As the number of ETFs available continues to grow and the complexity of these funds increases, the Value Line ETF Survey will allow users to easily navigate toward the funds that best match their investment needs.
- Who's buying [series]Collection of print and ebooks that cover a variety of purchasing topics.
Financial information
- Business Source Complete from EBSCOhostBusiness Source Complete is a citation, abstracts, and full-text database that indexes journals; books; financial data; reference works; conference proceedings; company, industry, investment, marketing, and country reports; SWOT analyses; and case studies. Full text is provides as HTML and PDF. You can limit to peer-reviewed sources. 1886-present; most content is 1980s-present.
- FactivaFactiva provides full-text news articles and business/industry information from newswires, newspapers, business and industry magazines, television and radio transcripts, financial reports, and photos from news services. Most content is HTML, though other formats are available for export. News sources 1979-present; financial data 1960s-present.Factiva provides full-text news articles and business information. From the Search tab, use the Free Text search box to explore an archive of over 50 years of news and other sources.
From the News Pages tab, you can browse current issues of major newspapers and business magazines from around the world.
From the Companies/Markets tab, you can research competitors, suppliers, customers, and partners through market data, interactive charts, financial statements, and more for individual companies or industries. Data includes current and historical pricing on a variety of financial instruments like stocks, funds, currencies, and market indexes. - Mergent OnlineProvides company, industry, and country reports for active and inactive, public and some private companies. Reports provided in PDF and can be exported as Word or Excel files. It includes 15 years of financial statements.
Market research reports
- IBISWorldIBISWorld provides 3 types of business reports: Industry Market Research: Reports (PDF) on over 700 US industries arranged by 5-digit NAICS code, typically 25-50 pages in length with executive summaries, updated regularly; Business Environment: Data and analysis (PDF and Word) on 200+ economic and demographic statistics, around 300 key business environment indicators; and Specialized Industry Reports of over 600 titles also arranged by NAICS code that contain the same chapters and format as the Core US Industry Reports, but encompass niche and emerging industries with a focus on technology, healthcare, consumer goods, and other fast-growing sectors.IBISWorld provides a comprehensive collection of industry market research reports. Industry Research Reports are powerful business tools that provide strategic insight and analysis on over 700 U.S. industries. Each industry report is written at the 5-digit NAICS level - an unparalleled degree of detail. The reports are updated frequently, which gives you the confidence to make accurate and speedy business decisions.
Each report includes 9 chapters, and 34 sub-chapters that provide insight into current and forecast industry performance, changing trends, operating conditions and supply chain linkages.
Every industry faces a set of variables outside its control that have a material effect on industry performance. These factors, which include exchange rates, commodity prices, consumer attitudes, weather conditions, government policies among others are covered by our extensive range of business environment reports. Understanding these factors makes it easier to predict trends for your business and competitors.
So, what are the key factors outside the control of your organisation that determine the performance of your industry? Find out in our brief summaries within our industry research reports, or use our business environment reports as a supplement to acquire a deeper understanding of these trends. Our two-to-three-page business environment reports provide insights into all the demographic, environmental and business trends that you can’t afford to ignore. - Mintel Oxygen AcademicMintel offers over 900 market research reports focused on the broad categories of: Beauty and Personal, Drink, Electronics, European Retail Intelligence, Food and Foodservice, Health and Medical, Health and Wellness, Household, Lifestyles, Retailing and Travel. The reports can be searched for product, brand name or keyword. You can incorporate trends and forecasts, including a five-year forecast, brand share, category trends, and consumer attitudes and behaviors.Recently added is the Global Consumer bi-annual survey of 35,000 people across 36 markets with coverage in the beauty, food and drink and general consumer trends areas.
- Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 7:03 AM
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