Vet Med Library Information: Health Sciences Libraries
This page and corresponding tabs provide information about the Veterinary Medicine Library's resources, policies, services, etc. at Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Health Sciences Libraries
The University Libraries at Virginia Tech include three health-sciences focused libraries:
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute Health Sciences (FBRI HS&T) Library
- Located in Riverside 4, this library is a part of the Roanoke Health Sciences and Technology campus.
Veterinary Medicine (Vet Med) Library
- Located in Blacksburg, this library is housed in the Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.
- Also oversees the small library collection held at the Equine Medical Center (EMC) in Leesburg, VA.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) Library
- Located in Riverside 2, this library is a part of the Roanoke Health Sciences and Technology campus.