Vet Med Library Information: NAVLE Resource Guide
NAVLE Basics
Passing the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) is required in order to practice veterinary medicine in the United States and Canada.
Plan to be at the testing site for 7.5 hours. 6.5 hours are allocated for testing time, this time is divided into 6 blocks of 65 minutes each, with 60 questions for each block. The rest of the time includes a 15 minute tutorial and 45 minutes of breaks including lunch.
More information about the NAVLE is available at and their FAQs page provides a lot of additional information beyond what is highlighted in the tabs on this guide.
Keep current with the NAVLE by:
- Subscribing to email alerts
- Reading the Candidate Bulletin
"The NAVLE consists of 360 multiple choice questions, administered one at a time on the computer. Sixty of the items are unscored pretest items, but the identity of these items is not apparent, and they are dispersed throughout the test. Approximately 15%-20% of the items on the NAVLE include graphic or pictorial information relevant to the item (photograph, radiograph, drawing, chart, etc.). All NAVLE items are relevant to entry level private clinical practice." (NAVLE FAQ, What kind of examination...)
According to the 2017 Veterinary Professional Practice Analysis, the following 2 categories are assessed with approximate numbers of questions. Click on the links for Species Diagnoses or Competencies to learn more about the expectations of knowledge for each of those domains:
NAVLE Species Diagnoses
NAVLE Competencies
If you have not yet graduated, the NAVLE cannot be taken 10 months prior to your expected graduation date. Most students take the NAVLE in the fall of their fourth year and if they need to take it again, there is an opportunity to take it in the spring of their fourth year.
The NAVLE test fee is $720, and international fee is an additional $345.
- Fall applications are due by August 1 for the testing windows available in November and December.
- Spring applications are due by February 1 for the testing windows available in April.
State and licensing boards vary, be sure to check the State and Provincial Licensing Boards for more information
- NAVLE State Application Approvals for Maryland and Virginia are processed by ICVA.
- NAVLE State Application Approvals for West Virginia are not processed by ICVA. See the Forms & Links page from the West Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine.
You are limited to taking the NAVLE up to 5 times. Other restrictions apply regarding how frequently you can take the NAVLE after the first 3 times.
Yes! If you require testing accommodations, you must request this upon applying for your test date.
To qualify, you must have a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You will need to work with Virginia Tech's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) to pull together documentation to support your request for accommodations for the NAVLE.
You must request accommodations during the application to take the NAVLE. This includes stating if you require extra testing time, additional break time during the exam day, or if you require a personal item to be in the testing center with you during the exam day.
More information can be found when you apply to take the NAVLE.
NAVLE Prep Tools & Resources
There are a number of different study tools available to prepare for the NAVLE. The first tab in this section provides flashcards and books available in the Vet Med Library you can borrow to help you prepare, the second has lists of free testing tools/options, and the last three tabs are products that require a subscription.
You may also find it helpful to employ multiple study options and strategies as you prepare for your licensing examination.
Flashcards available in the Vet Med Library - 7 day loan, located at front desk
NAVLE: Flashcard Study System by Print flashcards provide an alternative method to using an online app to provide a study technique to test your knowledge. Each flashcard has different subject to "explain, discuss" or "describe" the "Data gathering and interpretation" or "Maintain health & manage problems."
Call Number: SF600 .N38 2022ISBN: 9781610721950Publication Date: 2022Saunders Veterinary Anatomy Flash Cards by Study anywhere, anytime and master veterinary anatomy with Saunders Veterinary Anatomy Flash Cards. Included in this set of 360 flash cards are approximately 400 full-color illustrations. The front of the card shows the anatomical drawing with numbered lead lines pointing to different anatomic structures, allowing you to quiz yourself on identification. The numeric answer key on the back of the card provides an easy comprehension check. "Portable" learning makes these the perfect tool for studying on the go. Indexed by body system for fast, easy reference. 400 high quality and anatomically correct illustrations make it easy to learn the features of each anatomical region. Species-specific icons on the front of the card allows for reorganization by animal. Comprehensive veterinary anatomy coverage provides the best, most effective review available. Part of Elsevier's complete veterinary anatomy learning system, integrating core anatomy knowledge, engaging review, hands-on practice, and clinical application to give you a solid foundation for success!
Call Number: SF761 .S385 2010ISBN: 9781437714401Publication Date: 2009
Books available in the Vet Med Library - 7 day loan, located at front desk
This is your Passbook® for ... National Veterinary Boards (NAVLE), (1 vol. condensed) by The Admission Test Series prepares students for entrance examinations into college, graduate and professional school as well as candidates for professional certification and licensure. The National Veterinary Boards (NBE)(NVB) Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming entrance exam. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: anatomy; physiology; parasitology; bacteriology; hygiene; medicine and surgery; and more.
Call Number: SF759 .T452 2018ISBN: 9781731850508Publication Date: 2018NAVLE Secrets Study Guide by ***Includes Practice Test Questions*** NAVLE Secrets helps you ace the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive NAVLE Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. NAVLE Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to NAVLE Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; A comprehensive Content review including: Feather Picking, Pacheco's Disease, Avian Influenza, Border Disease, Newcastle Disease, Bluetongue Disease, Pizzle Rot, Dirofilaria Immitis, Vegetative Dermatosis, Necropsy, Metabolic Acidosis, Pseudorabies, Alanine Aminotransferase, Serum Enzyme Elevations, Gram Staining, Transudates, Radiographs, Histopathologic Examination, Monogastric Animal, Mammalian Heart, Embryo Transplantation, Feline Biliary Tract Disease, Coccidioidomycosis Infection, Babesiosis, Blastomycosis, Ketoacidosis, Diabetes Mellitus, Otitis Externa, Diaphragmatic Hernia, Ectropion, Hypoadrenocorticism, Hemangiosarcoma, Tracheal Collapse, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Heartworm Infection, Hypersensitivity Reactions, Periodontal Disease, Campylobacteriosis, Canine Influenza, and much more...
Call Number: SF759 .N38 2022ISBN: 9781610721943Publication Date: 2022
Software available in the Vet Med Library:
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NAVLE® by Don't leave your performance on the NAVLE® to chance! With so many ways to review for the veterinary board exam, studying is easy with Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NAVLE® -- and it's a smart investment! In-depth coverage of essential information in each of the major veterinary disciplines ensures that you are studying with the best veterinary board review book available. Written by noted educator Patricia Schenck to follow NAVLE® specifications, this valuable resource is the only book with CD review package created specifically to help with NAVLE® exam preparation. NAVLE is a registered trademark owned by the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. This publication is not licensed by, endorsed by, or affiliated with the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Exam-based structure familiarizes you with the content you willl see on the veterinary board exam and builds your knowledge step-by-step. Convenient, point-by-point outline format highlights the most essential data to streamline your NAVLE® exam preparation. Illustrations clarify and support key points. Case-based study questions test you on the clinical situations you will be challenged with on the exam and in practice. Answer key with rationales explains the logic behind each answer and reinforces important principles.
Call Number: SF759 .S342 2010ISBN: 9781416029267Publication Date: 2010
A few free apps that provide testing tools:
- This free service from VetPrep provides a NAVLE-type question sent via email every weekday with answers and explanations provided after submitting a response.
- You will get periodic emails to purchase the full version of VetPrep.
International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA)
- ICVA is the organization that administers the NAVLE. This site provides links to NAVLE self-assessments, competencies and diagnoses, a computer-based NAVLE tutorial, and sample questions.
- They also offer a PDF with 30 sample questions and answer key at the end.
- This test tool includes 15 questions and is produced by Mometrix, who published the book "NAVLE Secrets Study Guide"
- Includes a timer so you can see how long it takes you to answer questions while taking the test, and results at the end show what was answered correctly and incorrectly, along with an explanation of the correct answer.
- From the link above, test your knowledge of parasitology using the 5 quizzes (20 questions each). When you submit your responses, correct answers are provided in green (if answered incorrectly, your original response will be in red)
- Also try out their App:
- CAPC Parasite ID App (available at Apple & Google Play stores)
- Includes images and information on approximately 100 veterinary internal parasites found in dogs, cats, small mammals, reptiles, and birds.
- CAPC Parasite ID App (available at Apple & Google Play stores)
- Also try out their App:
Question of the Day (from Zuku Review)
- This free service from Zuku which offers test prep for NAVLE, VTNE, and BCSE (see the Zuku tab in this section of the guide for more information)
- When you sign up, you have the option to get a question of the day from all three of the options. You will get contacted by them with emails about purchasing the full Zuku study program.
- Free 12-week course offered by VetCandy, provides lessons, courses, and tests
- Starts Aug 1st
VetPrep is a subscription-based resource that provides over 3,000 practice questions in an interactive format.
- Options include a 45-day, 90-day, and 180-day subscription to either VetPrep Standard or VetPrep Premium.
- Check out their pricing page for current deals and how to subscribe.
- See their FAQs page for more information.
VIN (Veterinary Information Network) offers an online course series that runs in both the spring and fall to prepare for the NAVLE.
- The series includes seven real-time sessions led by practitioners, the last day provides a mock exam.
- The focus of this course is on the "top 20" diseases and conditions that practitioners often come across, along with discussions on study plans and strategies to help prepare for content not covered in these top 20 topics.
- This is a fee-based lecture series. Current DVM students can register for a free membership to VIN, and the student rate for this lecture series is significantly reduced from the full price.
Zuku Review is a subscription-based testing tool
- Provides practice tests for the NAVLE, BCSE/PAVE (Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination / Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence), and VTNE (Veterinary Technician National Examination).
- This study tool includes over 3,300 NAVLE-format questions and 1800 flashcards, plus assessment tests, videos, images, creation of a study calendar and prep planning tools, progress statistics, and other study techniques to help you prepare.
Other Recommended Texts
The library provides access to many of the textbooks that will help you prepare for the NAVLE.
Each of the tabs above provides a category, and within those tabs, books that are available online are listed as the first grouping on the page, and books that are available in print in the Vet Med Library are the second list. Both lists are in alphabetical order.
Books available Online: (click on the title link to access the ebook)
Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology by Learn how to understand normal body functions before learning about the mechanisms of veterinary disease. Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 6th Edition approaches this vast subject in a practical, user-friendly way that helps you grasp key concepts and learn how they relate to clinical practice. From cell physiology to body system function to homeostasis and immune function, this comprehensive text provides the solid foundation needed before advancing in the veterinary curriculum. Expanded resources on the companion Evolve website include state-of-the-art 3D animations, practice tests, a glossary, and Clinical Correlations. Clinical Correlations boxes present case studies that illustrate how to apply physiology principles and concepts to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients. Practice questions at the end of each chapter test your understanding of what you've just read and provide valuable review for exams. Key Points at the beginning of each chapter introduce new concepts and help you prepare for exams. Full-color format highlights helpful information and enhances learning with a wealth of illustrations that visually depict specific functions and conditions. NEW! Updated animations added that are relevant to content. NEW! New contributors lend their unique perspective and expertise to the content.
ISBN: 9780323552271Publication Date: 2020Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 1 by With an emphasis on the disease conditions of dogs, cats, horses, swine, cattle and small ruminants, Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 6th Edition continues its long tradition of being the most comprehensive reference book on common domestic mammal pathology. Using a body systems approach, veterinary pathology experts provide overviews of general system characteristics, reactions to insult, and disease conditions that are broken down by type of infectious or toxic insult affecting the anatomical subdivisions of each body system. The sixth edition now boasts a new full-color design, including more than 2,000 high-resolution images of normal and abnormal organs, tissues, and cells. Updated content also includes evolved coverage of disease agents such as the Schmallenberg virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, and the porcine deltacoronavirus; plus new information on molecular-based testing, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in-situ hybridization, keep you abreast of the latest diagnostic capabilities.
ISBN: 9780702068416Publication Date: 2015Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 2 by With an emphasis on the disease conditions of dogs, cats, horses, swine, cattle and small ruminants, Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 6th Edition continues its long tradition of being the most comprehensive reference book on common domestic mammal pathology. Using a body systems approach, veterinary pathology experts provide overviews of general system characteristics, reactions to insult, and disease conditions that are broken down by type of infectious or toxic insult affecting the anatomical subdivisions of each body system. The sixth edition now boasts a new full-color design, including more than 2,000 high-resolution images of normal and abnormal organs, tissues, and cells. Updated content also includes evolved coverage of disease agents such as the Schmallenberg virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, and the porcine deltacoronavirus; plus new information on molecular-based testing, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in-situ hybridization, keep you abreast of the latest diagnostic capabilities. Updated content includes new and evolving pathogens and diagnostic techniques. Updated bibliographies give readers new entry points into the rapidly expanding literature on each subject. NEW! High-resolution color images clearly depict the diagnostic features of hundreds of conditions. NEW! Introduction to the Diagnostic Process chapter illustrates the whole animal perspective and details the approaches to systemic, multi-system, and polymicrobial disease. NEW! Coverage of camelids is now included in the reference's widened scope of species. NEW! Team of 30+ expert contributors offers the latest perspective on the continuum of issues in veterinary pathology. NEW! Expanded resources on the companion website include a variety of helpful tools such as full reference lists with entries linked to abstracts in Pub Med and bonus web-only figures. NEW! Full-color design improves the accessibility of the text.
ISBN: 9780702068379Publication Date: 2015Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 3 by With an emphasis on the disease conditions of dogs, cats, horses, swine, cattle and small ruminants, Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 6th Edition continues its long tradition of being the most comprehensive reference book on common domestic mammal pathology. Using a body systems approach, veterinary pathology experts provide overviews of general system characteristics, reactions to insult, and disease conditions that are broken down by type of infectious or toxic insult affecting the anatomical subdivisions of each body system. The sixth edition now boasts a new full-color design, including more than 2,000 high-resolution images of normal and abnormal organs, tissues, and cells. Updated content also includes evolved coverage of disease agents such as the Schmallenberg virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, and the porcine deltacoronavirus; plus new information on molecular-based testing, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in-situ hybridization, keep you abreast of the latest diagnostic capabilities. "a core text in veterinary pathology"Reviewed by: Alexander Stoll, on behalf of Wikivet, November 2015 Updated content includes new and evolving pathogens and diagnostic techniques. Updated bibliographies give readers new entry points into the rapidly expanding literature on each subject. NEW! High-resolution color images clearly depict the diagnostic features of hundreds of conditions. NEW! Introduction to the Diagnostic Process chapter illustrates the whole animal perspective and details the approaches to systemic, multi-system, and polymicrobial disease. NEW! Coverage of camelids is now included in the reference's widened scope of species. NEW! Team of 30+ expert contributors offers the latest perspective on the continuum of issues in veterinary pathology. NEW! Expanded resources on the companion website include a variety of helpful tools such as full reference lists with entries linked to abstracts in Pub Med and bonus web-only figures. NEW! Full-color design improves the accessibility of the text.
ISBN: 9780702068324Publication Date: 2015The Merck Veterinary Manual by The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide. This completely revised and redesigned new edition of the veterinary classic uses a two-column format and color throughout for easy-to-read text and tables. Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text. In addition to extensive revisions and updates, this edition includes a new section on public health and zoonoses, expanded coverage of fish and aquaculture, new chapters on backyard poultry, toxicologic workplace hazards, smoke inhalation, and additional coverage of numerous new and emerging topics in veterinary medicine. . Completely revised and redesigned in a two-column, easy-to-read format with color throughout . New section on Public Health which includes a new public health primer that covers One Health, public health functions and agencies, epidemiologic principles and study types, disease outbreak investigations, food safety, and a brief discussion of public health law . Revised and expanded information on fish, aquatic systems, and aquaculture as well as poultry, pet birds, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, and amphibians . New chapters on backyard poultry and Tasmanian devils, toxicologic hazards in the workplace for veterinarians, smoke inhalation, scorpion bites, spider flies, and xylitol toxicity . Extensively revised chapters on heart disease, diagnostic imaging, pharmacology and drug resistance, wound management, equine emergency medicine, management of the neonate and neonatal encephalopathy, wound management, equine arboviral encephalomyelitis, skeletal disorders and myopathies of poultry, and chlamydiosis . Important changes to the Behavior section such as inclusion of the most recent diagnostic techniques, methods and treatment of behavioral disorders in dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals, expanded coverage of the human-animal bond, service and assistance animals, and new material on self-care for veterinarians
ISBN: 9780911910612Publication Date: Continually updatedPathologic basis of veterinary diseas by Diagnose and manage diseases using the newest information and research! Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease – Expert Consult, 6th Edition provides complete, illustrated coverage of both general pathology and the pathology of organ systems of domestic animals. Addressing species from dogs and cats to pigs and cattle — and many more — this reference describes the lesions and pathogeneses of diseases, how cells and tissues respond to injury, and the interplay of host defense mechanisms with microbes and injurious agents. Updates include the latest scientific advances and diagnostic information. Written by a team of expert contributors, this book includes an Expert Consult website with access to the complete digital book plus thousands of images and guidelines for sample acquisition and for performing a complete necropsy.
ISBN: 9780323357975Publication Date: 2017Principles of Veterinary Parasitology by Principles of Veterinary Parasitology Principles of Veterinary Parasitology is a student-friendly introduction to veterinary parasitology. Written primarily to meet the immediate needs of veterinary students, this textbook outlines the essential parasitological knowledge needed to underpin clinical practice. Conceptual relationships between parasitic organisms, their biology and the diseases they cause are clearly illustrated. Help boxes and practical tips are included throughout alongside a wealth of colour photographs, drawings and life-cycle diagrams. Organised taxonomically with additional host-orientated chapters and focussing on parasites that commonly cause animal or zoonotic disease, welfare problems or economic losses, students worldwide will benefit from this straightforward and easy to comprehend introduction to veterinary parasitology. KEY FEATURES An easy to navigate textbook, providing information essential for clinical studies Full colour throughout, with photographs, diagrams, life-cycles and help boxes for visual learners A companion website including a pronunciation guide, self-assessment questions and further reading lists This book is accompaines by a companion website: The website includes: Glossary Parasites listed by host and body system Pronunciation guide Parasite recogonition: flease, flies,worms and worm eggs Revision questions and answers Further reading list: books, articles and websites Powerpoint files of all diagrame for downloading
ISBN: 9781118977446Publication Date: 2015Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology by Learn the latest advances in veterinary diagnostic radiology! Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 7th Edition, is a one-stop resource covering the principles of radiographic technique and interpretation for dogs, cats, and horses. Within this bestselling text, high-quality radiographic images accompany clear coverage of diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, MRI, and CT. User-friendly direction helps you to develop essential skills in patient positioning, radiographic technique and safety measures, normal and abnormal anatomy, radiographic viewing and interpretation, and alternative imaging modalities. This new edition has been thoroughly revised to include important advances in the field, information about contrast media, dental radiography, and more! Coverage of ultrasound imaging procedures such as the esophagram, upper GI examination, excretory urography, and cystography helps in determining when and how these procedures are performed in today's practice. Rewritten chapters on basic interpretation emphasizes radiography, radiation safety, superficial coverage of normal variants, and will include more in-depth information on the framework for interpretation. An atlas of normal radiographic anatomy in each section makes it easier to recognize abnormal radiographic findings. High-quality radiographic images clarify key concepts and interpretation principles. Up-to-date coverage of the most commonly seen species in private veterinary practices and veterinary teaching hospitals includes the cat, dog, and horse. NEW! Chapter on CT and MR contrast media gives you a better understanding of the agents used to alter patient contrast. NEW! Information on digital imaging helps you understand the latest advances in digital imaging. NEW! Chapter on dental radiology covers common dental issues you may encounter in practice. NEW! Chapter on MR spinal imaging provides the latest information on the diagnosis of spinal cord disease through the use of CT and MRI.
ISBN: 9780323482479Publication Date: 2017-12-19Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology by De Lahunta's Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 5th Edition provides in-depth coverage of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system, to accurately diagnose the location of neurologic lesions in small animals, horses, and food animals. Practical guidelines explain how to perform neurologic examinations, interpret examination results, and formulate treatment plans. Descriptions of neurologic disorders are accompanied by clinical case studies, photos and drawings, radiographs, and hundreds of online videos depicting the patients and disorders described in the text.
ISBN: 9780323696128Publication Date: 2020
Books Available in Print: (Call number provided, Click on title to see full catalog record)
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals by Anatomy and physiology are key foundational areas of study for animal science students and professionals. Understanding these guiding principles will provide students with a better understanding of complex make-up of domestic animals and continued success in further study in this field. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals provides a thorough, systems-based introduction to anatomy and physiology of a wide range of domestic animal species. Each chapter is highly illustrated to provide useful examples of concepts discussed.
Call Number: SF761 .A55 2008ISBN: 0813803292Publication Date: 2008Anatomy of Domestic Animals by Classical and seminal work.
Call Number: SF761 .P37 2007ISBN: 9780962311420Publication Date: 2007 (reprint)Black's Veterinary Dictionary by This encyclopedic dictionary offers practical help and reference material to all veterinary surgeons and nurses, students and journalists. Entries define and describe bacteria, viruses, carriers, and diseases; they offer causes, diagnoses, signs, and treatment (including first aid), pointing out the variations in the nature of a disease when it occurs in different animals, and taking account of international scientific research observations and findings. The dictionary has been extensively revised, and many entries have been rewritten since the 19th edition to reflect the numerous changes in legislation and in veterinary practice, advances in medicine and treatment, and patterns in animal husbandry and pet ownership.
Call Number: SF609 .B53 2001ISBN: 0389210242Publication Date: 2001Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians by Examine the diverse ways animal bodies function at both the systemic and cellular levels with this vital resource. It brings you clear coverage essential to understanding the clinical relevance of anatomical and physiological principles. Fully updated and written by respected veterinary technician educators, this popular textbook is the practical, comprehensive foundation for your success in veterinary technology. High quality, full color illustrations highlight the details of anatomic structure to enhance understanding of anatomy functions. Chapter outlines summarize the contents of each chapter at the major concept level. Clinical Application boxes throughout the text demonstrate the clinical relevance of anatomic and physiologic principles. Test Yourself questions recap important information that appeared in the preceding section. Comprehensive glossary at the end of the text provides concise definitions and phonetic pronunciations of terms. NEW! Vocabulary Fundamentals list of terms at the beginning of each chapter introduce readers to new scientific terms and their pronunciations.
Call Number: SF761 .C65 2016ISBN: 9780323227933Publication Date: 2015Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine by Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine provides the reader with an excellent overview of veterinary clinical pathology. The new edition retains its elegantly simple outline format and section organization (physiology, evaluation disorders, disorders, and appropriate clinical cases). This enables readers to quickly identify key words, ideas and information in the text. Each chapter is followed by a current reference list, primarily from refereed professional journals. As in previous editions, the fourth edition applies a problem-solving approach to interpretation of laboratory data. The authors stress the differential diagnosis of the abnormal laboratory value, and emphasize the mechanism or pathophysiology of the various abnormalities rather than specific diseases.
Call Number: SF772.6 .D86 2003ISBN: 0813820707Publication Date: 2003McCurnin's Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians by Considered a fundamental text in the field of veterinary technology, McCurnin's Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians is back in its 7th edition and better than ever! Written by veterinarians, including many board-certified specialists, and veterinary technicians who understand the vet tech curriculum, this text is full of everything you'll need to know in your practice. Sections on small and large animals, birds, reptiles, and small mammals embrace every aspect of the veterinary field, while case presentations of actual patient situations link information to relevant, real-life scenarios you may encounter in future practice. Get it all with this extensive and practical text essential to the veterinary technician profession! Full color visuals make learning easier with accurate depictions of specific disorders, diseases, and procedures. Detailed information of the technician's role in every procedure enables you to focus on your role in veterinary practice. Birds, reptiles, and small mammals chapter keeps you up-to-date with care and treatment for these increasingly popular pets. Chapters on pharmacology, pain management, restraint, and veterinary oncology offer a broader understanding of the responsibilities of a technician. The TEACH manual provides instructors with teaching/learning objectives, key terms, critical thinking challenges, and chapter quizzes, while the workbook contains applied quizzes and activities for each chapter. New case presentations help link information to real life by illustrating scenarios of actual patient situations and outcomes. Increased coverage of large animal concerns, such as nutrition, emergency nursing, pain management, and anesthesia, prepare you for potential patients. New chapters on Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, and Laws, Regulations, and Ethics, as well as expanded sections in Anesthesia, Nursing, and Dentistry provide the most comprehensive information. Newly added key terms, glossary, outlines, boxed "Technician Tips," and learning objectives aid studying.
Call Number: SF745 .C625 2010ISBN: 1416057005Publication Date: 2010
Books available Online: (click on the title link to access the ebook)
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult by Want access to this book online? The full book content is also available as part of VetConsult, an online subscription platform with a powerful search function. Find out more at and subscribe today at THE VERY LATEST INFORMATION ON DISEASES AND CLINICAL PROBLEMS IN DOGS AND CATS Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, 7th Edition provides up-to-date information on feline and canine disease in the familiar, popular, and trusted 5-Minute Veterinary Consult format. This reference puts all the necessary information regarding common diseases and conditions in dogs and cats at the reader's fingertips. Covering 845 specific disorders, Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult is the most comprehensive and timely reference on canine and feline medicine available today. It is carefully designed for fast and easy access to vital and accurate information. The companion website allows the reader to access more than 350 downloadable client education handouts, as well as images and video clips. The book makes it easy to find essential details on: 845 different diseases and conditions, from amebiasis to zinc toxicosis Diagnosis Common treatments and prognoses Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline is the leading quick-access reference for veterinary practitioners and students everywhere.
ISBN: 9781119513155Publication Date: 2021Canine and Feline Cytopathology by Canine and Feline Cytopathology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive overview of diagnostic cytopathology for companion animals, covering all body systems and fluids. Rapidly resolve diagnostic challenges with this guide to specimen collection and evaluation, featuring more than 2,400 photomicrographs that show cytology of normal structures to contrast and support identification of cytopathology of inflammatory, hyperplastic, and neoplastic lesions. Enhancements to this edition include hundreds of new images with crisper quality and truer colors; new chapters on the pancreas and ear; updated, contemporaneously referenced information for all chapters; expanded listing for neoplastic and infectious disease testing, quality assurance, and reporting; and access to a fully searchable enhanced eBook with new print purchase. Written by seasoned veterinary cytopathologists and award-winning educators Rose Raskin, Denny Meyer, and Katie Boes, with contributions from 20 international experts, this reference offers clear, practical guidelines to sampling procedures, slide preparation, and interpretation leading to diagnoses and/or classification of the cytopathologic findings. Anticipate the expected and expect the unexpected with this atlas, which vividly illustrates the expected cytologic elements associated with the organ system and provides abundant examples of unexpected cytopathologic findings. Comprehensive coverage of all body systems and body fluids emphasizes the application of aspirate biopsy cytopathology for greatest diagnostic impact. Exceptional-quality, full-color photomicrographs include detailed figure legends. Helpful hints for improving specimen quality are provided in discussions of common errors and problems, resulting in more diagnostically effective, cost-effective use of cytopathology. Discussions of clinical findings, differential diagnostic considerations, and the rationale are included for the final cytopathological diagnosis. Additional photomicrographs in organ system chapters demonstrate the histological or histopathologic corollary of cytopathologic findings. Easy-to-use, well-organized format includes many tables, algorithms, boxes, and Key Point callouts for at-a-glance reference. Clear, concise descriptions include sampling techniques, slide preparation and examination, and guidelines for interpretation, leading to accurate in-house and commercial laboratory diagnosis. Extensively revised organ system-based chapters include focused contemporary references. NEW! 700 crisp, all-new images more closely match the colors representative of the actual microscopic view. NEW! Expanded content combines coverage of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas and adds a new emphasis on the ear, specifically otic sample collection and cytopathology. NEW! All-new appendices provide quick reference to infectious agents, immunocytochemistry, reporting, molecular and immunologic testing, quality assurance, and more. NEW! Enhanced eBook is included with each new print purchase, providing access to a fully searchable text online - available on a variety of devices.
ISBN: 9780323683685Publication Date: 2022
Books Available in Print: (Call number provided, Click on title to see full catalog record)
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult by Like having a trusted clinician with you in the exam room, the fully updated Sixth Edition of Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline continues to offer fast access to information in an easy-to-use format. Provides fast access to key information on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions in dogs and cats Covers 846 specific disorders, making it the most comprehensive quick-reference book on canine and feline medicine Carefully designed for fast searching and reference in the busy practice setting, giving you the confidence to make clinical decisions quickly and appropriately Presents contributions from 379 leading experts specializing in all areas of veterinary medicine Includes access to a companion website with 354 client education handouts for you to download and use in practice, plus images and video clips
Call Number: SF991 .T55 2016ISBN: 1118881575Publication Date: 2016Clinical Veterinary Advisor by The indispensable resource for the busy small animal practitioner. Providing easy-to-use, cutting-edge information, Côté's Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats, 4th Edition is like six books in one - with concise coverage of diseases and disorders; procedures and techniques; differentials, mnemonics, and lists; laboratory tests; clinical algorithms; and a drug compendium. Completely updated from cover to cover, this edition includes over a dozen all-new chapters on new and important topics including hyperadrenocorticism (food-related), hypercalcemia (idiopathic feline), meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology, incidentally-detected heart murmurs, and more. It also includes free access to a fully searchable companion website containing an electronic version of the text, all of the book's images in color, bonus chapters and video content, a searchable drug compendium, 200 client education handouts in both English and Spanish, and 35 customizable client consent forms. UPDATED! Videos demonstrate important findings that static images cannot convey, such as characteristic lameness and ultrasound findings. UPDATED! Tech Tips cover more than 850 diseases and disorders that are especially relevant to the technician's daily experience in the clinic. UPDATED! 200 customizable printable client education handouts are included online and available in English or Spanish. Highly referenced diseases and disorders presented in alphabetical order makes sought-out information easy to retrieve. Extensive cross referencing throughout the text offers quick access to all pertinent information. Hundreds of expert international contributing authors ensure the information is the most accurate and up-to-date. SIX-BOOKS-IN-ONE offers invaluable content, such as diseases and disorders; procedures and techniques; differential diagnosis; laboratory tests; clinical algorithms; and drug formulary. Pedagogical icons reflect content to alert readers to unique elements within each monograph. Vibrant website with searchable content and extensive bonus material enhances information from the print book. NEW! Expert Consult website with fully searchable eBook allows quick identification of any topic and its related information in the six different sections of the book. NEW! Fully revised and updated content plus dozens of all-new chapters, including: Hyperadrenocorticism (food-related) Meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology Hypercalcemia (feline idiopathic) Hops toxicosis Movement disorders Heart murmur (incidental finding) Polyneuropathy Urethral occluder placement Fecal transplant Bronchoalveolar lavage (blind) NEW! Informed client consent handouts provide simple explanations of procedures and denote foreseeable risks in both English and Spanish). NEW! Additional color images throughout the eBook increase the effectiveness of clinical photographs to showcase ophthalmologic and dermatologic conditions. NEW! Includes procedures and techniques rated in practical "do-ability" from 1 diamond (any vet should be able to read and do), to 3 diamonds (understanding procedure will facilitate conversation with clients but best performed through referral).
Call Number: SF981 .C575 2020ISBN: 9780323554510Publication Date: 2020Canine Anatomy by The National Veterinary Medical Series (NVMS) is an effective, economical system for learning and review. Basic and clinical veterinary sciences are outlined in a practical format that enables you to master large amounts of information in a limited amount of time. The books in the NVMS help you prepare for National Boards and the Clinical Competency Test and are excellent resources for problem-based learning.
Call Number: SF767.D6 S55 1999ISBN: 0683300806Publication Date: 1999Guide to Small Animal Clinics by This booklet is a quick reference guide for common problems encountered in small animal clinics. These problems are outlined in table form for quick reference.
Call Number: SF771 .T73 2011ISBN: 0962311448Publication Date: 2011Saunders Manual of Small Animal Practice by The Manual is organized by systems, using a semi-outline format. It covers both medicine and surgery in a single text, making it a ready reference for understanding the disease process and treatment options and the surgical procedures associated with them. Medical chapters discuss etiology, clinical signs, diagnoses and treatment; surgical chapters discuss anatomy, preoperative considerations, procedures and postoperative care. Throughout the text, the authors have included "Key Points" which offer helpful and timely tips to the reader. Emphasis is on the dog and cat, but an entire section is devoted to avian and exotic pets. Also included is a useful drug formulary providing rapid access to vital dosage information. A consistent outline format provides easy access to information on etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment for each disease or disorder, as well as anatomy, preoperative conditions, techniques, and postoperative care for surgical procedures. Key Points draw attention to helpful tips and key concepts. Includes a comprehensive section covering diagnosis, treatment, and surgery for avian and exotic pets. Features new chapters that cover key topics such as physical therapy and rehabilitation, pain management, vaccination guidelines, and syncope. Includes the latest information on drugs and clinical equipment throughout.
Call Number: SF981 .S34 2006ISBN: 0721604226Publication Date: 2006- Senior veterinary student's guide to small animal clinics byCall Number: SF751 .T72 1991Publication Date: 1991
Small Animal Internal Medicine by Learn to effectively recognize, diagnose, and treat common internal medical conditions with this invaluable reference. Small Animal Internal Medicine, Fifth Edition, emphasizes practical diagnostic approaches and focuses on the clinically relevant aspects of patient medical management. Extensive color illustrations, boxes, and algorithms, plus new photographs, schematic representations, and updated tables, set this book apart. With its highly functional design and clear, expert voice, this text delivers the most relevant information for the internal medical challenges you're most likely to face. "The many tables, decision trees, drawings and photos highlight the key points which make for a very pleasant read. I bet that the previous edition of this major textbook is a bit dog-eared and so now is the time to invest. ROI* guaranteed. (*Return On Investment)" Reviewed by: Vet's Today Date: July 2014 "As a reference textbook for use on a day-today basis I would highly recommend this book. It lives up to its promises and really is a 'practical, easy-to-use, quick, clear and logical' text book for practitioners and students alike." Reviewed by: Veterinary Record Date: June 2014 A problem-oriented approach begins with a discussion of clinical signs, diagnostic recommendations, and techniques, and then moves on to therapeutic considerations and management. Step-by-step procedures provide an easy-to-follow description of each procedure. Over 850 full-color photographs and illustrations accurately depict specific disorders, diseases, and procedures. Color-coded summary tables and boxes make it quick and easy to look up clinical signs, etiology, differential diagnoses, treatment, and recommended drug dosages and indications. Knowledgeable contributors are recognized experts in their respective internal medicine specialties, and known for their clinical as well as academic and research expertise. Practical algorithms promote decision-making skills based on clinical findings. Extensive cross-referencing makes it easy to locate related information. Suggested readings at the end of each chapter facilitate access to the latest research findings. NEW! Updated content on hundreds of internal medicine topics helps you make the best diagnostic and treatment determinations. New coverage includes management of heart failure, chronic mitral valve disease, and heartworm disease; diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease in cats and treatment of pancreatitis in dogs; treatment and monitoring of diabetic dogs and cats; dietary recommendations for obesity in dogs and cats; diagnosis and management of seizure disorders; and new diagnostic methods in patients with hematologic disorders. NEW authors have completely revised the Urinary Tract Disorders and Reproductive System Disorders sections, providing all-new content that clarifies the latest research and clinical findings in these areas. UPDATED! Drug and treatment tables ensure that you have the most current treatment information.
Call Number: SF991 .S5917 2014ISBN: 0323086829Publication Date: 2014Small Animal Surgery by From basic procedures like spays, castrations, and declaws to advanced surgeries like craniotomy, vertal slots, and lung lobectomy, Fossum's Small Animal Surgery, 5th Edition is the go-to, full-color guide for everything that general veterinarians and vet students need to know about both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Five editors bring their expert perspective as they discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. With each book adoption, you'll also have access to the Expert Consult website, which includes a fully searchable version of the book plus step-by-step video clips and animations of surgical procedures, aftercare instruction handouts, case presentations, references linked to full text articles on PubMed, and an extensive image collection. There is no better resource to keep you up to date on the latest advances and techniques in small animal surgery! Well illustrated, step-by-step instructions for surgical techniques provide quick reference to practical how-to information in emergency and clinical situations. Anesthesia Protocols offer easy access to recommendations for anesthetizing animals with particular diseases or disorders. Coverage of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including radiographs, CT, MRI, and digital imaging, explores the most useful imaging modalities for demonstrating areas of surgical concern. Clinical tips boxes provide at-a-glance surgical and practice tips. Postsurgical care instructions provide customizable client aftercare handouts for many of the procedures in the book. Reference links to PubMed grant access to full-text articles. NEW! Expanded sections on thoracoscopy, arthroscopy, and laparoscopy reflect the significant growth in minimally invasive procedures in vet medicine. NEW! Significantly revised section on joint disease includes additional techniques and procedures. NEW! Revised chapter on regenerative medicine emphasizes application of stem cell and regenerative medicine technologies to clinical patients. NEW! Increased emphasis on differential diagnosis helps you learn how to avoid misdiagnoses that result in unnecessary surgery with the inclusion of boxes covering disorders that may mimic the more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair. NEW! Correlation boxes highlight the advances in veterinary medicine that correlate with human medicine. NEW! Expanded chapter on neurologic examination cover how to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs. NEW! Step-by-step procedure videos that walk through both basic and advanced procedures have been added to this new edition. NEW! Aftercare instructions and rarely performed procedures have been added to the Expert Consult.
Call Number: SF911 .F67 2019ISBN: 9780323443449Publication Date: 2019Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine by Updated and expanded, the new 5th Edition remains the only encyclopedic resource for veterinary internal medical problems! This internationally acclaimed "gold standard" offers unparalleled coverage of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting dogs and cats. 185 chapters*many of them new to this edition*present the latest information on specialties ranging from oncology, immunology and reproductive problems, to skeletal and joint disorders, gastroenterology, and more. Provides an algorithm or problem-solving chart for most medical presenting complaints. Identifies virtually every drug used in veterinary small animal medicine and lists all the available pet food products as well. Offers a Client Education section consisting of over 50 one-page explanations and instructions for distribution to clients. Explores non-traditional methodologies such as acupuncture and herbal medicines in order to present a broad range of veterinary options. Expands the Clinical Manifestations of Disease section, offering many new chapters including Erosions and Ulcerations, Pustules and Papules, Red Eye, Obesity, Swollen Joints and Lameness, Proteinuria, Petechiae and Eccchymoses. Presents brand new chapters on Common Plant Toxicities, Hematopoietic Tumours, Electrocardiography, Echocardiography, Acromegaly, Early Spray and Neuter, Prostatic Diseases and more. Discusses dietary considerations for systemic disorders in neonatal and pediatric patients, and pets with hyperlipidemias, as well as healthy dogs and cats.
Call Number: SF991 .T48 2017ISBN: 0323462138Publication Date: 2017The Small Animal Veterinary Nerdbook by This book has become the profession's gold standard for finding the information needed for everyday clinical practice when and where needed. Selling more than 30,000 copies, the pocket-sized reference gives immediate access to accurate, practical information on 21 subjects, with handy headers, as well as sleek tables and charts. The Nerdbook places special emphasis on topics critical to the practice of routine clinical medicine, such as cardiology, toxicology, nutrition, critical care, infectious disease and dermatology. Charts, tables, diagrams, and outlines make skimming the information simple. The book features: * Concise tables and charts to illustrate content * Simple diagrams provide an alternative to text information * Index of commonly used drug dosages * Extensive references if more in-depth information is needed New to the third edition: * The anesthesia section contains an illustrated instruction on nerve blocks and more on anesthetic monitoring. * The parasitology section summarizes the most updated CDC and CAPC recommendations and heartworm society recommendations. * The infectious disease section explains how to set up vaccine protocols. * A urinary section that follows the international Renal Interests Society staging system. * The GI section features a clinical diagnostic approach to diseases. Purchasing this resource gives access to additional information on the official Nerdbook website, including: * References and recommended readings * A neurologic exam check-off sheet * An illustrated overview of the nervous system * General protocols for behavior modification * Client handouts for prevention of common behavior problems * Videos illustrating behavior modification techniques In its third edition with loads of new and updated information, the Nerdbook is better organized, easier to understand and more clinically relevant than ever before.
Call Number: SF748 .Y56 2010ISBN: 9780964151857Publication Date: 2010
Books available Online: (click on the title link to access the ebook)
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult by Written by today's leading experts, this book keeps practitioners completely current with the latest in disease management of horses, taking a clear and practical approach ideal for daily equine practice. Arranged by subject for efficient searching, each topic covers clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Practitioners gain quick access to information about conditions and disorders encompassing behavior, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, laboratory tests, musculoskeletal, neonatology, neurology, ophthalmology, respiratory, theriogenology, toxicology, and urinary diseases. Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, Third Edition enhances the practitioner's skills in evidence-based treatment planning, and is unmatched for its comprehensive coverage of more than 500 diseases and conditions. This handy, practical guide will help cut down on time spent navigating through other resources, so that equine veterinarians and veterinary students can study, diagnose, and treat with greater efficacy. Key Features The premier all-in-one equine resource designed specifically for quick information retrieval Divided into identically formatted topics for easy searching by alphabetical listing or by body system Coverage of more than 500 diseases and conditions Fast access to the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of veterinary experts Includes a companion website with 43 editable client handouts, 3 video clips, 8 color images, and select further reading
ISBN: 9781119190318Publication Date: 2019Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant by Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant, Second Edition keeps practitioners completely current with the latest in disease management for ruminants and camelids. Updates the first all-in-one ruminant resource designed specifically for quick information retrieval Provides identically formatted topics for easy searching by alphabetical listing or by discipline, with each topic indicating the species affected Offers fast access to the accumulated wisdom of hundreds of veterinary experts Adds more than 100 new topics, with significant revisions to existing topics Includes access to a companion website with additional topics, client education handouts, and figures
Call Number: SF997.5.R86 B532 2017 (print copy available as well)ISBN: 9781119064701Publication Date: 2017Diseases of Poultry by Diseases of Poultry is the most comprehensive reference for all aspects of poultry health and diseases, including pathogenesis, diagnostics, epidemiology, and control methods. Published in partnership with the American Association of Avian Pathologists, the Thirteenth Edition remains the international definitive reference, adding newer diagnostic methods and a new chapter on the emerging importance of zoonotic infections for poultry pathogens. Other updates include new high-quality photographs, additional discussion of conceptual operational biosecurity and disease control in organic production systems, and a greater emphasis throughout on the differences in disease incidence and treatments for the United States and other areas around the globe. Organized logically by disease type, the book offers detailed coverage of the history, etiology, pathobiology, diagnosis, and intervention strategies, as well as the economic and public health significance, for an exhaustive list of common and uncommon diseases. Diseases of Poultry, 13th Edition is an essential purchase for poultry veterinarians, veterinary diagnosticians, poultry scientists, students specializing in poultry health, and government officials who deal with poultry health in regulatory climate.
ISBN: 9781118720028Publication Date: 2013Large Animal Internal Medicine Utilize a problem-oriented approach to the diagnosis of diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats. Large Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition covers the diagnosis and management of disease in both ruminant and equine internal medicine. As the first veterinary internal medicine text to use a problem-based approach, it offers discussions of over 150 clinical signs and manifestations, as well as comprehensive coverage of laboratory and diagnostic testing. New to this edition is a versatile online reference platform and coverage of conditions that exist in Europe, Central and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. In addition, thoroughly revised and updated content includes new vaccines and vaccination protocols; the most current laboratories for DNA, genetic, and PCR testing; and colostrum supplements and replacers. It’s everything you need to stay up to date with the latest information on preventing and treating disease in large animals.
ISBN: 9780323554442Publication Date: 2021Sheep, goat, and Cervid Medicine by Get practical answers from the only guide on the care of sheep, goats, and cervids! Authoritative yet easy to read, Sheep, Goat and Cervid Medicine, 3rd Edition covers all the latest advances in the field, including diseases and medical treatment, surgery, pain management, theriogenology, and nutrition. Clear instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs guide you step by step through common procedures including restraint for examination, administration of drugs, blood collection, and grooming. New to this edition is coverage of deer and elk medicine, reflecting the growing interest in these ruminants. Written by an expert team led by Dr. D.G. Pugh, this comprehensive reference is ideal for veterinarians and also for owners of sheep and goats.
ISBN: 9780323624640Publication Date: 2021
Books Available in Print: (Call number provided, Click on title to see full catalog record)
Handbook of Pig Medicine by Filling a much needed place in veterinary medicine, Handbook of Pig Medicine provides the knowledge needed to recognize, diagnose, treat and control pig diseases in practice. The book includes high quality illustrations which, where appropriate, complement written descriptions of clinical signs. It deals with medical, surgical and reproductive problems in pigs. Clinical examination of the individual pig and the investigation of herd problems are covered in detail, along with a study on pig population medicine. Each body system is considered with special attention to clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, chapters in the book discuss obstetrics, pig haematology and biochemistry as well as differential diagnosis. Other topics discussed, include organic and outdoor pigs; problems of the pet pig, sampling, euthanasia and post-mortem examination. Written by two experienced clinicians and clinical teachers Succinct, reader-friendly text intended for quick and effective use Over 250 high quality colour illustrations support the text Detailed description of clinical examination of pigs - an essential part of diagnosis Provides students and clinicians with the knowledge and the skills to deal with pig patients effectively
Call Number: SF971 .J33 2007ISBN: 9780702028281Publication Date: 2007Guide to Bovine Clinics by Guide to bovine clinics is a quick reference guide to conditions found in treating cattle. It is constructed in easy to read charts dealing with facts, cause, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of the most common conditions found in bovine clinics.
Call Number: SF961 .P377 2005ISBN: 0962311499Publication Date: 2005Guide to Equine Clinics by v. 1. Equine medicine / Chris Pasquini, Susan Pasquini, Phil Woods ; illustrations, Chris Pasquini ; faculty contributors, Kerstin Thorén-Tolling, Pamela Pintchuk ; student contributors, Richard Linkenheimer [and others] -- v. 2. Lameness / Chris Pasquini, Hank Jann, Susan Pasquini, Robert Bahr -- v. 3. Lameness diagnosis / Chris Pasquini, Susan Pasquini, Robert Bahr, Hank Jann.
Call Number: SF951 .P37 1993 vols 1-3ISBN: 9780962311468Publication Date: 1993
Books available Online: (click on the title link to access the ebook)
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult by Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Avian presents complete information on diseases and conditions seen in birds in a quick-reference format ideal for clinical practice. * Offers fast access to essential information on 128 avian diseases and syndromes * Written by leading experts in avian medicine * Uses the trusted Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format * Focuses on practical clinical knowledge * Includes access to a companion website offering algorithms, procedure guides, and client education handouts to download, edit, and use in practice
ISBN: 9781118934609Publication Date: 2016-04-13Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine by Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine: An Introduction, Fourth Edition offers a user-friendly guide to the unique anatomy and physiology, care, common diseases, and treatment of small mammals and nonhuman primates. Carefully designed for ease of use, the book includes tip boxes, images, and review questions to aid in comprehension and learning. The Fourth Edition adds new information on transgenic mice, drug dosages, techniques, and environmental enrichment, making the book a comprehensive working manual for the care and maintenance of common laboratory animals. The book includes information on topics ranging from genetics and behavior to husbandry and techniques in mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, and nonhuman primates. A companion website provides editable review questions and answers, instructional PowerPoints, and additional images not found in the book. Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine is an invaluable resource for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, and research scientists.
ISBN: 9781118685969Publication Date: 2013Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine by Logically organized by taxonomic groups, this up-to-date text covers the diagnosis and treatment of all zoo animal species and free-ranging wildlife, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and fish, unlikely to be seen by private practice veterinarians. Featuring full-color images, the consistent, user-friendly format supplies information on each animal's biology, unique anatomy, special physiology, reproduction, restraint and handling, housing requirements, nutrition and feeding, surgery and anesthesia, diagnostics, therapeutics, and diseases. Global authorship includes multinational contributors who offer expert information on different species from around the world. "Veterinary care of non-traditional species is a rapidly progressing field and this title is the much awaited updated version of this zoo and wildlife practitioner's 'bible'. Reviewed by: Charlotte Day on behalf of The Veterinary Record, Oct 14Global authorship includes internationally recognized authors who have contributed new chapters focusing on the latest research and clinical management of captive and free-ranging wild animals from around the world.Zoological Information Management System chapter offers the latest update on this brand new system that contains a worldwide wealth of information.General taxonomy-based format provides a comprehensive text for sharing information in zoo and wildlife medicine.Concise tables provide quick reference to key points in the references.NEW All new authors have completely revised the content to provide fresh perspectives from leading experts in the field on the latest advances in zoo and wild animal medicine.NEW Color images vividly depict external clinical signs for more accurate recognition and diagnosis.
ISBN: 9781455773992Publication Date: 2014
Books Available in Print: (Call number provided, Click on title to see full catalog record)
Avian Medicine by Combining the in-depth coverage of a text with the practicality of a clinical manual and the visual detail of an atlas, Avian Medicine, 3rd Edition is the complete, all-in-one guide to every aspect of avian care. Written by some of the world's leading authorities in avian medicine, this highly illustrated reference covers a wide variety of avian species - including psittacines, raptors, bustards, parrots, finches, and more. Comprehensive coverage includes issues ranging from the basic aspects of patient management to the most sophisticated diagnostic techniques. Plus, with more illustrations, a wealth of practical advice, and the latest information on cutting-edge treatments and procedures incorporated into this new edition, today's general clinician will be fully equipped to effectively and confidently care for all birds. Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of clinical management written by leading experts in the field provides readers with a depth and breadth of knowledge on avian medicine and care. Coverage of a wide variety of species - including raptors, bustards, and many others - enables practitioners to treat a greater assortment of patients with more confidence and skill. Bulleted text and tables help present information in an accessible way. More than 900 color images give readers a better picture of disease and how it will be encountered in practice. Appendices bring together wide-ranging data on hematology and blood chemistry reference values, commonly used pharmaceutics and other information relevant to avian practitioners. NEW! New chapter sections, revised references, and updated suggested readings ensure that readers have the most up-to-date information. NEW! New chapter contributors ensure the information in the text reflects the most current techniques and advances. NEW! Expanded content on parrots, finches and fruit-eating birds has been added to the text to make content more relevant to the needs of today's practitioners. NEW! Thoroughly updated content includes the latest surgical techniques and procedures to keep practitioners on top of the most cutting-edge information in the field. NEW! Additional content and images on MRI have been incorporated throughout the text to complete the coverage of other advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans.
Call Number: SF994 .A933 2016ISBN: 9780723438328Publication Date: 2016Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles by Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles, Second Edition provides definitive information on every aspect of the anatomy, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases affecting reptiles. It features stunning high-quality color photos of normal anatomy and histology, as well as gross, light, and electron microscopic images of infectious diseases of reptiles. Editor Elliott Jacobson draws on his own photography collection, and his wealth of experience spanning over 40 years in the research of infectious diseases and veterinary care of reptiles. Beginning with a thorough review of the biology, anatomy, and histology of reptiles, the introductory chapters cover all major systems and provide the most complete single source for color images of reptile histology. The book addresses the mechanism of reptile immunology and the response to pathogens, and explains how immunological response is key to differential diagnosis. It provides an overview of electron microscopy, complete with electron micrographs of reptile pathogens, and introduces the necessity of molecular methods for diagnosis. Finally, the book devotes several chapters to the viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases known to reptiles and methods for isolating these pathogens. With up-to-the-minute data, a breath-taking array of images, and a panel of expert contributors, this new edition of Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles is the definitive resource for veterinary pathologists, zoo or wildlife veterinarians, and the increasing number of private practice veterinarians seeing reptiles kept as exotic pets. It will also be ideal reading for veterinary students specialising in exotics, candidates for ACZM accreditation, and private breeders and hobbyists. Already a comprehensive reference, a new volume covering non-infectious diseases of reptiles has now been added to create a two-volume set, Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles. This includes definitive information on every aspect of the anatomy, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis of infectious and noninfectious diseases affecting reptiles.
Call Number: SF997.5.R4 I54 2021ISBN: 9781498771481Publication Date: 2021
Books available Online: (click on the title link to access the ebook)
Papich Handbook of Veterinary Drugs by "Papich Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, 5th Edition includes concise entries for more than 550 drugs, with appendices summarizing clinically relevant information at a glance. Nineteen new drug monographs are added to this edition, and over 100 drug monographs have been updated and revised
ISBN: 9780323709583Publication Date: 2020Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs : Small and Large Animal by Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, 4th Edition includes entries for 550 drugs, with convenient appendices summarizing clinically relevant information at a glance. New to this edition are 25 new drug monographs and easy access to drug content on any mobile device. Written by clinical pharmacology expert Mark Papich, this handy reference includes a companion website containing more than 150 customizable handouts with special instructions for your clients. It helps you find the specific drug facts and dosage recommendations you need to treat small and large animals, right when you need them!
ISBN: 9780323244862Publication Date: 2016Toxic Plants of North America by Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition is an up-to-date, comprehensive reference for both wild and cultivated toxic plants on the North American continent. In addition to compiling and presenting information about the toxicology and classification of these plants published in the years since the appearance of the first edition, this edition significantly expands coverage of human and wildlife--both free-roaming and captive--intoxications and the roles of secondary compounds and fungal endophytes in plant intoxications. More than 2,700 new literature citations document identification of previously unknown toxicants, mechanisms of intoxication, additional reports of intoxication problems, and significant changes in the classification of plant families and genera and associated changes in plant nomenclature. Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition is a comprehensive, essential resource for veterinarians, toxicologists, agricultural extension agents, animal scientists, and poison control professionals.
ISBN: 9781118413395Publication Date: 2013Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia by Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: the Fifth Edition of Lumb and Jones is a reorganized and updated edition of the gold-standard reference for anesthesia and pain management in veterinary patients. Provides a thoroughly updated edition of this comprehensive reference on veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, combining state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and clinically relevant information Covers immobilization, sedation, anesthesia, and analgesia of companion, wild, zoo, and laboratory animals Takes a body systems approach for easier reference to information about anesthetizing patients with existing conditions Adds 10 completely new chapters with in-depth discussions of perioperative heat balance, coagulation disorders, pacemaker implantation, cardiac output measurement, cardiopulmonary bypass, shelter anesthesia and pain management, anesthetic risk assessment, principles of anesthetic pharmacology, and more Now printed in color, with more than 400 images
ISBN: 9781119421375Publication Date: 2017Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Tenth Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the gold-standard reference on the use of drug therapy in all major veterinary species. Provides current, detailed information on using drug therapies in all major domestic animal species Organized logically by drug class and treatment indication, with exhaustive information on the rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine Includes extensive tables of pharmacokinetic data, products available, and dosage regimens Adds new chapters on pharmaceutics, ophthalmic pharmacology, food animal pharmacology, and aquatic animal pharmacology Includes access to a companion website with the figures from the book in PowerPoint
ISBN: 9781118855775Publication Date: 2018Veterinary Toxicology by Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, Third Edition, is a unique, single reference that teaches the basic principles of veterinary toxicology to any student at the DVM, MS or PhD level. While comparable texts are primarily directed on the field of human toxicology, this text thoroughly prepares toxicologists and students on the newest approaches for diagnosing chemical and plant poisoning cases in animals. Many chapters on topics not covered in any previous books are provided, such as target organ toxicity, radiation and radioactive materials, FDA regulatory issues, and ethics in veterinary toxicology. Completely revised and updated to include the most recent developments in the field, including new toxins, methods and regions, this book is an essential resource for advanced students and researchers in toxicology, practicing veterinary toxicologists, poison control centers, marine biologists, environmentalists and animal scientists. Provides a complete, up-to-date, integrated source of information on toxins and poisons relating to animals Covers all important aspects of veterinary toxicology with completely updated and revised chapters Includes basic principles of a key toxicology concept, along with clinical applications and a list of major references for further reading
ISBN: 9780128114117Publication Date: 2018
Books Available in Print: (Call number provided, Click on title to see full catalog record)
Brenner and Stevens' Pharmacology by More detailed than an outlined review but less overwhelming than an encyclopedic reference, Brenner and Stevens' Pharmacology, 6th Edition, focuses on the essential principles you need to know in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. Authored by Craig W. Stevens, PhD, this highly illustrated introductory text helps you learn and retain key information in pharmacology-taking you from course exams and the USMLE Step 1 right through to clinical practice. New and extensively revised content keeps you up to date with the latest pharmacologic mechanisms and applications. Teaches the fundamental aspects of pharmacology using full-color illustrations, detailed explanations, and a consistent format to present classification of drugs for each system/disease. Helps you understand both the basic science foundations and clinical applications of pharmacology, with useful tables, drug classifications boxes, case studies, and self-assessments in each chapter to help you review and prepare for course exams and Step 1. Includes the latest drugs and therapeutic indications (more than 100 are new to this edition), along with an entirely new chapter on recent developments of immunopharmacology drugs, including antivirals and vaccinations. Addresses key topics such as antiviral and monoclonal drugs to treat COVID-19, the opioid epidemic, and gene therapy. Features more than 700 new and updated images, with many revised figures focused on clearing presenting the mechanism of action of drugs. Includes access to bonus eBook content such as animations, an additional glossary, chapter-by-chapter summaries and case studies, a full list of featured drugs, 150 USMLE-style self-assessment questions, and more. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Call Number: RM300 .B74 2023ISBN: 9780323758987Publication Date: 2023Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook by Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook, Ninth Edition updates the most complete, detailed, and trusted source of drug information relevant to veterinary medicine. Provides a fully updated edition of the classic veterinary drug handbook, with carefully curated dosages per indication for clear guidance on selecting a dose Features 16 new drugs Offers an authoritative, complete reference for detailed information about animal medication Designed to be used every day in the fast-paced veterinary setting Includes dosages for a wide range of species, including dogs, cats, exotic animals, and farm animals
Call Number: SF917 .P58 2018ISBN: 9781119344452Publication Date: 2018Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology by Overdose and poisoning are one of the most frequent acute medical presentations seen in emergency departments, and high dependency and intensive care facilities. The Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology provides an authoritative guide for the management of patients with poisoning. Each chapterincludes key clinical features and potential treatment options to help physicians to assess the potential severity of the poisoned patient and provide the optimum clinical care.A reader-friendly layout ensures that information is easy to find and assimilate, and topics are self-contained to aid quick diagnosis. Presented in an easy-to-use double-page spread format, highly bulleted and concise, the Oxford Desk Reference: Toxicology is ideal for quick referral when an acuteproblem arises.Contributions from the leading figures in toxicology make this book indispensable for all those involved with the management of poisoned patients, especially trainees and consultants working in emergency medicine, acute medicine, and critical care.
Call Number: RA1193 .T68 2014 (Reserves)ISBN: 9780199594740Publication Date: 2014
- eClinpath
- Created by Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine, this free ebook provides 8 topics with several examples for each to examine and review. Also includes:
- Diagnostic challenge: Challenge yourself with classic and interesting cases we have seen at Cornell University. Search our index for old cases! As for the Atlas, this section is currently not searchable through the generic search tool.
- Calculators: Use the links from this page or from the left hand site directory to locate calculators.
- Created by Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine, this free ebook provides 8 topics with several examples for each to examine and review. Also includes:
- Imaging Anatomy
- From the University of Illinois, this source provides a basic atlas of normal imaging anatomy of domestic (cat, dog, horse, cow, animals and dental images for the cat and dog.
- Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) App
- Download for iOS or Android available at the link above
- Includes thousands of topics written and updated regularly by more than 400 veterinary experts; Photos, illustrations, and videos; Clinical calculators; and numerous reference guides and hundreds of useful tables
- Swine Disease Manual
- Created by Iowa State University, this is often referred to as "the Merck of pigs" as it follows that format for each disease listed. The link above takes you to the index of diseases.
- Veterinary Abbreviations & Acronyms Guide
- Produced by the University of Illinois, this list focuses on abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in veterinary practice
- VIN Veterinary Drug Handbook
- Available to VIN members (free membership for students). "..i includes basic drug information such as pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, indications, contraindications, therapeutic dosages, adverse events, and drug interactions for drugs commonly used in veterinary medicine..."
- If the link does not carry you through once logged in, use the VINdex in the upper right corner of the VIN site, select "Drug Resources" and then "VIN Veterinary Drug Handbook" from the list.